[5] Suprise!

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I bet you guys are excited to find out who you chose to give your heart to. Sorry if this story is cringy but I'm trying my best to write a really good story for you all. Thanks for reading!!!


Then at that very moment you've decided... you have a crush on...


He's just so fun and loving. He may forget a few things but he just apologizes so sincerely when he makes mistakes.

"Yah! Earth to (y/n), you still there?" Asks Jimin as you are lost in your thoughts.

You shake your head while coming back to reality and Jimin giggles. You look at Taehyung then caught a glance of Jungkook as he stares at you. You feel like Jungkook's eyes is going to burn a hole through your head if he keeps staring and you look to the other direction.

When it is around 7:00pm, the boys are finished eating and decides it is time for them to head home. Everyone is walking out of the door and you say your farewells. Once everyone seems out, you feel a sigh of relief and head to your room.

You go to take a shower and when you finish, your phone rings like crazy. You think that someone is calling you and look at your phone. You realize BTS made a groupchat and put you in it. They are practically spamming you with thanks and then continues to blabber on about whatever. You turn your phone on do not disturb mode and you lay on your bed. Once your head lands on your pillow, you fall completely deep in slumber.

When you wake up, you notice something touching you. You open your eyes and see Jungkook infront of you sleeping. He is hugging you and is using his hoodie as a blanket. You get out of the bed gently, making sure you don't wake him, you cover him with your blanket and turn around to leave. Before you're able to leave, Jungkook grabs your wrists and pulls you onto the bed with him. His eyes are still closed. You try to squirm away but then he holds you tighter. You get a little frustrated and push him off the bed then he hits the floor followed by a *thump*

You hear someone running upstairs and you tell Jungkook to hide under the bed. He does as he is told and your mother opens the door.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Your eomma questions.

"It's fine eomma. I just dropped something slightly heavy," you reassure.

She takes a big sigh of relief and closes the door. You hear footsteps going downstairs and Jungkook crawls out from under your bed.

"What are you doing here!" You ask.

"Well, I was in the bathroom and when I got out, everyone was gone and it was dark already so I just wandered around the house. I got sleepy and was looking for a bed and found this. I didn't notice you were in it," he explains with a cheeky smile.

He tries to get closer to you and you push his chest then you walk to the bathroom. When you finish washing up, you notice Jungkook isn't in your room and you figure he went back home.

You head downstairs to find Jungkook sitting of your dining table. You glare at him.

"I want breakfast," Jungkook whines.

You give in and make 2 omelettes and hand one to him. He looks at it with disgust but he still eats it.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"My parents always make omelettes for breakfast," he says still eating.

"That's all you get. Take it or leave it," you say. You start to wonder if there is another reason why he decided to sleep over.

"I'll take it. Your omelette tastes pretty good," Jungkook says.

You start walking to school together with Jungkook since he slept with his uniform on. When you arrive at the gates of your school, everybody start staring at you and Jungkook. Jungkook then grabs hold of your hand but you shake it off. He grabs your hand again and you decide to let him be. You arrive at your classroom and everybody starts to whisper to each other. You notice that you and Jungkook are still holding hands and you let go immediately. You sit down at your desk and notice that it's full if notes. You open one of them and it's almost exactly the one you've opened before.

You dirty slut. I bet you slept with Jungkook last night against his will. Why won't you just get lost?! It reads.

Namjoon is looking over your shoulders and takes the note, crumples it up, and tosses it in the trash.

"What was that for?" You ask.

"What happened? Why did you and Jungkook enter the school together holding hands?" Namjoon asks.

You hesitate but tell him the truth. Namjoon looks like he's about to punch Jungkook and you try to calm him down.

"He's taking his game too far," Namjoon says and starts to walk to Jungkook's seat.

They start talking and Namjoon looks really mad while Jungkook has a poker face.

"So what's going on?" Someone behind you says.

You turn around and realize it is Taehyung. He is so close to your face and you start to blush.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" Taehyung says with concern.

Your face feels really hot and Taehyung is just a few centimeters away from your face. You look away and put your hand on the left side of your chest.

"Gwaechanha," you say, still not facing him.

Taehyung grabs the seat infront of you and touches your forehead.

"Yah! What do you think your doing!" You hear Jungkook yelling to Taehyung.

Jungkook comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your neck. You pull it off.

"What's you guy's relationship?" Taehyung asks.

"The same as everyone else in BTS," you say but he doesn't look convinced.

"Can I talk to you at the roof after class?" You ask Taehyung and he agrees.


Sorry guys. This chapter was really long but I hope you liked it! Look forward to the next chapter ;)

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