[7] First Date

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You and Taehyung are walking to a barbecue place but then you feel a pair of eyes staring at you. You turn around and try to look for who it was but the streets are too crowded to see.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asks as you hold his hands tighter.

"Do you feel like anyone is following us?" You ask.

"Kind of but they're probably some girls at school. I mean, who doesn't want to get a load of this?" He says pointing himself out.

He purposely tries to loosen the tension and it works. You hug onto Taehyung's arms as you guys make your way into the restaurant.

As you and Taehyung sits down, you call the ahjumma and order your food.

You and Taehyung start eating but then Taehyung's phone starts to ring. He checks the caller name and he freezes a little.

"I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick. You can continue eating," he says but he had a worry is evident on his face.

You start eating and just when Taehyung disappears in the bathroom, somebody comes and sits in Taehyung's seat. You look up to see who it is and you see Junkook sitting infront of you. He starts to eat your food.

"Yah! What do you think your doing?!" You ask. "Perhaps, Jeon Jungkook, were you spying on my date?" You say with a smirk.

"Nope, I was eating here first until you guys came along," he says cooly.

You stare at him a little and decide to interrogate him.

"Then why are you hear eating my food when you were eating here first?" You ask, still shoving your mouth with bolgogi.

"I finished eating it all and I was about to ask for more but I decided to join you for free food," he says.

"Yah! I'm not your 'Jin Hyung'!" You say back.

You decide to believe him and continue eating until all the meat is gone. You are about to pay the ahjumma until you remember Taehyung. OMG he's been in the bathroom for so long WTF. You thought. You peek in the boy's bathroom to make sure Taehyung is alright and you find him screaming at his phone infront of the sink.

"STOP! WE'RE OVER! THROUGH! Listen, I have a girlfriend now and I don't want you to hang around me anymore so stop calling me. I'm hanging up," he says and ends the phone call with a sigh. He washes his face in the sink and turns to find you peeking through the door.

"How much did you hear?" He ask.

"Maybe the last few sentences," you say, tears at the brim of your eyes.

You never knew Taehyung has that side to him. He grabs a paper towel, dries his hands, and starts to walk towards you.

"Please don't cry," he says as the tears on the edge of your eyes start to slowly fall.

He wipes your tears with his thumbs, his palms on your cheeks and you can't help but feel comforted. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your hips. You two stare at each other's eyes and he leans in for a kiss but then you look away, rejecting his lips.

"I'm not ready for a kiss yet," you say.

He looks sad but nods as if understanding your situation. What he doesn't know is that you don't want to give away your first kiss so easily.

You guys are walking to your house, an awkward silence follows until Taehyung broke the atmosphere.

"I'm sorry if your upset about earlier," he says as you look into the eyes, still full of sincerity, beauty, and love.

"Which one? You trying to kiss me or when you were on the phone?" You ask. He seems to have caught the little sass in your voice and he turns to look down at his feet.

"Both," he says, refusing to look into your eyes.

"You don't have to be sorry about trying to kiss me, I just... I wasn't ready to give my first kiss yet," you say assuring him. "And as for your conversation on the phone, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but who was it you were talking to and what happened?"

"She's my ex. She was walking around our school after class ended and she saw me and you holding hands. She followed us when we were walking to the restaurant and she called me. I didn't want you to worry so I went to the bathroom and she followed me in. She tried to kiss me but then I pushed her away and she stormed out of the bathroom. After she left the shop, she called and you were there for my part of the conversation," he says.

You look into his eyes and this time, it looks like he was about to cry. You lean in to give him a hug and you whisper in his ear.

"I understand," you whisper, making your voice sound as soothing as possible. After a few seconds he hugs you back and you guys finally arrive at your house. You wave to him goodbye and he waves back.

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