[16] Savior or Lover?

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You walk home in shock. Boy am I gonna give that Kim Leeah a piece of my mind one day, you think to yourself. You know you're being followed and you know who's following you.


You walk towards the bathroom when a girl steps in your way. You look up to see who it is to fund the queenka of the school, Kim Leeah. You give her a death glare then try to move pass her. She blocks your way again then pushes you to a locker.

"What's your problem?" You mumble as you get up from the fall.

She looks at you like you're stupid.

"What's wrong with me?" She says giving you a surprised look. "What's wrong with you? Seducing and sleeping with our precious oppas. Who do you think you are to just come here and take all the guys?"

"Bitch," you say looking into her eyes.

She raises her hand ready to slap you. You close your eyes, ready for excruciating pain. Waiting, waiting. Nothing.

You open your eyes and see that Jungkook caught Leeah's wrist. You widen your eyes in shock and so does Leeah. She pulls away her wrist and she stares at you in disgust.

"Look at what you did to my oppa," she says with a screeching yell.

You walk up to her and you grab her hair and pull her ears closer to your mouth.

"First of all, I didn't do shit to your 'oppa' so how bout you get the fuck away from me before I call my oppas" you whisper with a smirk forming with your mouth.

She backs away, looking shocked and she turns her back with a 'humph' and walks out of school.

"And you," you say, pointing towards Jungkook.

"What did I do," he says with sass and aegyo.

"That's the problem! You do everything to help me. People are mistaking it for affection and they're picking on me," you say, angry.

"So what? Could I just stand around watching Kim Leeah slap you?" He asks, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine with that. Then I can just slap her harder next time," you mumble then shrug.

"Pshh whatever," Jungkook says then walks away.

End of Flashback.

"Who the hell does he think he is? My boyfriend?! I didn't ask him to protect me! He should just go to Leeah and satisfy her needs cause I don't want to get another shit slap! (Shit slap; being slapped by a little piece of shit)"you say to yourself.

The thing is, you forgot about the person following you. Jeon Jungkook. You turn around in shock of someone grabbing your wrist and dragging you away.

Jeon Jungkook.

"Yah! Where do you think you're taking me?!" You yell while screaming and kicking.

People just stop and stare as Jungkook bows apologetically to the people passing by.

You two stop walking in front of a big hotel and you stare in awe.

He continues to drag you by the wrist, walking inside the hotel. You catch a bellboy bowing to Jungkook from the corner of your eye.

He brings you inside an elevator and he presses the PH floor. Penthouse.

You both ride a long and silent way up and then you hear a ding. You both walk out and he reaches for your wrist again. Instead of grabbing your wrist this time, he intertwines his fingers with yours.

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