Chapter 18✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: African Coast
Inside: Building ⌨️

Hulk, Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster and Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster crash through the building, they spin for a moment before he pushes Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster away and pulls his arm free from Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster as they crash through a balcony hallway.

Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster falls and lands in her back on a random building floor, then Hulk jumps up and lands on her, he punches her down and jumps on her armoured-chest.

Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster flies in from behind Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster and grabs Hulk by the shoulder, pushing him back against the wall. Hulk pushes forward and Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster's armour hand pulls his other shoulder back against the wall.

Inside: Amy's Ruby/Hulk-Buster Suit ⌨️

Amy exclaims, almost begging to Hulk as she's getting tired of the fight and causing so much damage on the city, she knows that she and Tony will help pay for, "Come on, Bruce! You gotta work with us!"

Building ⌨️

Hulk struggles against the two Stark siblings as they try to spray sleeping gas in his face. The elevator doors open from behind the Stark siblings and a woman gasps at the unusual sight in front of them, the man in the elevator presses another floor button fanatically to try and leave but the elevator doesn't move.

Hulk still struggling against the two siblings and pushes himself up against the wall and kicks both feet forward to them both and they fly back from his strength.

Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster flies back against the elevator, crushing it a bit and taking it out of the building, making it fall back causing the people inside to scream in fear.

Inside: Tony's Iron Man/Hulk-Buster Suit

Tony grunts as sees the elevator full of people fall back.

Outside: Building ⌨️

Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster desperately jumps forward to catch the elevator cable and misses the first time then successfully catches it the second as he pushes off the building and activates his left hand-thruster to hover above the ground steadily, catching the elevator in time before it fell completely.

Tony's voice echoes as he tells the people in the elevator, "Everybody out!" Everyone in the elevator rushes to get out.

Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster looks up in time to see Hulk roar as he jumps off the building towards him but Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster kicks up at Hulk and backflips as Hulk flies over Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster and lands roughly on the cement-stairs below.

Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster then swings the empty elevator towards Hulk as his voice asks sarcastically, "Going down?" Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster smashes Hulk down with the elevator as he sat up, taking him down again.

Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster then flies down from the floor they were on, towards Hulk as he starts to push himself up. Hulk turns his head to the right and Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster swings her right fist down and punches Hulk hard in the face, making him turn his head back down on the ground.

Amy/Ruby/Hulk-Buster lands behind Hulk and along with Tony/Iron Man/Hulk-Buster, they both watch Hulk turn his head towards them, glaring as he rotates his jaw and spits out a tooth, he then huffs angrily.

Inside: Tony's Iron Man/Hulk-Buster Suit

Tony's eyes wide and looks back and forth between Hulk and Amy in shock and awe.

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