Chapter 29✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Evening: New York
Inside: Avengers Tower
Amy's & Tony's Lab 🔬⌨️

Bruce walks over to the Regeneration Cradle, taping on the computer-screen on it, standing beside Susie/Doctor. S on her right, he says to Tony and Amy, "I can work on tissue degeneration if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted."

Tony says quickly and loudly as he scratches the back of his neck, "Yeah, about that." Both Banner's and Amy stop and looks up at Tony who puts his hands in his front pant pockets and gives them a silent look. The other three share a look of realization and look back at Tony with a look.

Amy immediately says to Tony when he looks at her, her tone hard, "No."

Tony walks forward and holds his hand out to them, "You have to trust me."

Susie/Doctor. S retorts to Tony as she walks backwards to Bruce who slowly moves back, "Kinda of don't."

Tony tells them as the Banner siblings stop at the other end of the Cradle, "Our ally, the guy protecting the military's nuclear codes." Bruce puts his hand to his face and sighs, Tony looks to Amy as she walks towards them and stands beside Bruce on his left with her arms crossed and an unhappy expression. Tony holds his Stark clear glass-device and taps the glass-device to his right in the air and he brings up JARVIS'S golden yellow 3D consciousness image/hologram in the middle of the room on the other end of the Cradle, he says smugly, "I found him." JARVIS'S consciousness is up and running as he was in rough shape before (From Chapt 10).

JARVIS voice, sounding like his normal self, "Hello, Dr. Banner's."

Amy slowly uncrosses her arms, staring at JARVIS consciousness in shock but relieved to hear his voice again, "Jarvis."

JARVIS greets Amy in what sounds like a happy tone, "Evening, Miss. Stark."

Tony explains to the three as they looks at JARVIS'S consciousness shocked, "Ultron didn't go after Jarvis cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what-" He points to JARVIS'S consciousness with his device, "-he can do." Bruce listening, he starts slowly to walk around, passing Amy as he glances at Tony, "So Jarvis went underground. Scattered, dumped his memory." Tony stands beside Susie/Doctor. S as she faces him with narrow eyes and her arms crossed, leaning her left hip on the Cradle, listening to Tony who looks to Amy, "But not his protocols." He points to JARIVS'S consciousness, "He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together."

Amy snaps out of her shock, she looks and asks Tony, "How did I miss that?"

Tony looks and tells Amy, pointing at her with his device, "Back at Nexus, you gave up too early and stepped out, that's when I found him."

Amy crosses her arms while she says sassily as she's mad at not being informed earlier, "And didn't say a word about Jarvis. Just that you 'got it'." Tony doesn't answer, he just looks to Bruce who's thinking.

Bruce standing near the other end of the Cradle on Amy's left, across from Tony. Bruce asks Tony slowly as he process what Tony's trying to say, he gestures to Susie/Doctor. S and himself with his hand, "So, you want us to help,-" He gestures to Tony, "-you put,-" He gestures to JARVIS'S consciousness, "-Jarvis into-" He gestures down to the Regeneration Cradle, "-this thing?"

Amy steps closer to Bruce's right while Susie/Doctor. S steps closer to Tony's left so they can be more apart of the conversation.

Tony denies, "No! Of course not." He corrects like it's obvious and simple, "I want us,-" He points his finger to himself and Amy, "-to help you two-" He points to Susie/Doctor. S and Bruce, "-put JARVIS-" He points down to the Regeneration Cradle, "-in this thing." He looks between both Banner's as they shake their heads, Susie/Doctor. S looks away and Bruce turns away. Tony holds his hands up a bit as he shakes his head a bit, nodding to Amy as he says, "We're out of our field, here." He looks between Susie/Doctor. S and Bruce, "You both know bio-organics better than anyone."

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