Chapter 36✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺 Fight/➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same day: Sokovia, Eastern Europe
Outside: Bridge

Steve/Captain America running towards the edge of the bridge that's collapsing, where two cars are about to fall, the woman screams as her car starts to go down. Steve/Captain America quickly grabs the woman's car dumper but it breaks off and the two cars start to fall off the edge.


The woman's mouth and eyes wide open as she looks down while her car falls.

Thor flying up to the city, passes the two cars, hearing the woman's scream and quickly spins his hammer to fly faster back down to the woman's car.

Thor then lands on the woman's car, the two guys in the other car, screaming, Thor looking down at the woman.


Steve/Captain America swings and hits robot 64 with a metal-pole before dropping it and looks back down over the edge.


Thor holds his hand out to the woman and looks up to Steve/Captain America, the woman puts her arm on his hand.


Steve/Captain America steps closer to the edge of the bridge, preparing himself.


Thor looks back at the woman and nods before throwing her up towards the bridge, making her scream.


Steve/Captain America jumps down and grabs the rail-bar that's sticking out of the concrete bridge as he catches the woman with his other hand, he tells the woman, "I got you! Just look at me."

The woman looking down, listens to Steve/Captain America and looks up at him, he pushes and jumps up to grab the concrete rock above, Steve/Captain America then pulls the woman up to him, she wraps her arms around him and he helps her climb up to the road safely.

Robot 65 lands down on the bridge in front of the woman who runs to the side, Ultron's voice says, "You can't save them all." Robot 65 goes to blast her but Steve's shield stabs it in the chest as Steve/Captain America threw it, who then jumps back on the road safely, Ultron's voice starts to say, "You'll never-" He gets cut off as Steve/Captain America activates his magnetic-device on his left forearm to summon his shield back to him.

Robot 65 and the shield flies over to Steve/Captain America who catches his shield and quickly turns, throwing robot 65 off the edge of the bridge, Steve/Captain America repeats, "'Never' what?" He calls out to the falling robot 65, "You didn't finish!"

Just then, the car with the two men inside drops down safely on the bridge behind Steve/Captain America who turns around and sees Thor drop down, landing in a kneel on top of the car.

Thor jumps off the car and starts walking off the bridge, Steve/Captain America sarcastically questions Thor as he jogs after him, "What, were you napping?"

One of the men in the car, opens the car door and gags as he's about to vomit.

Street Near Bridge 🕊🏹🔬

Natasha/Black Widow arrives to the city and the fight, she's near the bridge and street where Steve/Captain America, Thor, AJ/Crystal Dove, Sue and Susie/Doctor. S are at.

Natasha/Black Widow on top of a few steps, flips over a blast and down the few steps and quickly front somersaults forwards with two electric-batons in hand, she hits robot 66 in the leg before standing up and hits it in the chest before stabbing it in the neck as it goes to swing at her.

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