Chapter 37✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added/🗣Mentioned Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Sokovia, Eastern Europe
Outside: Main Street

Many robots moving forward as they blast towards the police and citizens that are shooting their guns, firing back at the robots.

Suddenly, Pietro/Quicksilver speeds in with Wanda/Scarlet Witch, quickly putting her down and she stumbles a bit but quickly gets her balance and starts to use her powers against the robots to protect the people.

The Chief of police sees the two teens and shouts to his officers that's are shooting, "Hold your fire!"

Wanda/Scarlet Witch waves her arms around, using her powers and shoots the red-glow of energy to robots 105-108, destroying them.

(Slow Motion) Pietro/Quicksilver runs up beside his sister when he suddenly gets a flesh-wound shot in his upper left arm (Slow Motion Over).

Pietro/Quicksilver stops and looks down at his arm and looks towards the police officers, seeing one lowering his gun with a shocked but guilty face with the other officers around, look at him. Pietro mad and glaring at the officer, silently shrugging like 'what the hell'.

Street Near Bridge 🕊🔬

Steve/Captain America shouts and throws his shield, "Romanoff!" The shield stabs into robot 109 as Natasha/Black Widow ducks her head.

Natasha/Black Widow shouts to Steve, "Thanks!" She throws her electric baton at robot 110, she grabs Steve's shield from dead robot 109 and uses it to protect herself from robot 111's blast as it runs at her.

Robot 111 swings to hit Natasha/Black Widow who uses Steve's shield to block it and swings the shield down to hit robot 111's leg before swinging it up to uppercut robot 111 in the chin as it swings at her but keeps hitting the shield.

Steve/Captain America runs closer and Natasha/Black Widow tosses his shield back to him and grabs robot 111's arm to hold still as Steve/Captain America catches his shield and jumps, hitting robot 111 in the head.

A blast grazes past Susie closely and she screams in surprise, making Steve/Captain America and Natasha/Black Widow look over towards her in alarm, both seeing robot 112 stalk towards her, they go to move but an arrow hits robot 112 in the head, killing it.

Susie look up to see AJ/Crystal Dove walking towards her as she holds her bow to her side and holds her free hand out, Susie grabs it and AJ/Crystal Dove helps her stand up.

Road ☘️🎭

Vivian/White Ivy waves her hands, using her Earth-powers to rip apart robots 113 and 114 with tree-roots before many more robots come and blasts at her, making Vivian/White Ivy stumble back, she gets overwhelmed by all the robots coming in and the blasts hitting the ground in front of her, she eventually falls back.

Anna/Black Shadow turns her head and sees Vivian/White Ivy down, she shoots robots 115, 116 and 117 but sees more come, she holsters her guns as she runs towards Vivian/White Ivy and grabs a small grenade from her left back-hip on her left, she unclips it and throws it at the group of robots.

Anna/Black Shadow quickly grabs and helps Vivian/White Ivy stand up, staying low as they run for cover towards a small empty building. They jump in through the broken window.

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