Chapter 25✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺 Fight/➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same Morning: Seoul Korea
U-Gin Genetics Research Lab: Cho's Lab
Inside: Cho's Lab ☘️

Wanda looks to Ultron in horror after using her abilities to read Ultron's mind through the Cradle and saw global annihilation, she's breathing heavily, "How could you?"

Ultron questions Wanda with his deep robotic voice, "How could I what?"

Wanda says to Ultron as she's really scared at what she saw in her vision, "You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." Vivian and Pietro share a confused look as they don't know what Wanda saw.

Ultron's voice immediately defends, "It will be better."

Wanda looks at Ultron in horror realization, "When everyone is dead?" Vivian and Pietro look at Ultron surprised.

Ultron raises his voice as he argues, "That is not-" He blinks as he calmly explains his theory, "The human race will have every opportunity to improve."

Pietro turns to Ultron, his eyes wide in realization, "And if they don't?"

Ultron's head tilted to the left, his voice retorts calmly and simply, "Ask Noah."

Vivian says to Ultron in horror realization as she understands Ultron's real motives, "You're a madman."

Ultron's voice defends his theory and himself, "There were more than a dozen extinction-level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs." The Maximoff siblings staring at Ultron in shock-horror, "When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up." The three start to glare at Ultron, "We have to evolve. There's no room-" He leans and looks down at the Cradle, slowly runs his right hand across the top, "-for the weak."

Pietro asks Ultron as Wanda/Scarlet Witch secretly waves her left hand towards Cho from behind Vivian while Ultron's distracted, breaking off the scepter's mind-control hold on Cho, "And who decides who's weak?" Cho blinks as she comes back to reality.

Ultron leaning his hands on the Cradle, he's looking down, "Life." He chuckles before looking up, "Life always decides." Wanda standing behind her two siblings, the three glance at each other. Ultron lifts his head and looks up, "There's incoming." The three step towards each other, Pietro wraps his right arm around Wanda and Vivian, he's softly runs his hand on the right side of Vivian's neck as he softly kisses the left side of Wanda's head who holds and leans on her siblings, still horrified by what they just learned. Ultron's voice says in realization, "The Quinjet. We have to move." He steps back.

Dr. Cho says monotoned, pretending to still be mind-controlled, "That's not a problem." Vivian and Pietro glance at Cho then to Ultron.

Cho types on the Cradle's screen-computer and cancels the upload to Ultron's consciousness stream to the new body, the screen showing 'UPLOAD PAUSED' and a image of the new body laying in the cradle with a line splitting in the middle of the body; the upper blue, meaning Ultron's consciousness and the lower body red, meaning it's blank as the steam is not complete with a loading-bar underneath that's half full and says 42% underneath.

Ultron sighs as he realizes Cho is back to herself and quickly lifts his left hand, he blasts Cho who shrieks in pain as she falls back. Pietro/Quicksilver quickly grabs his sisters and speeds off.

Ultron sees the siblings leave and his voice calls out, "Ah, wait, guys!" He stutters a bit.

Lab Hallway

Avenger's: Age of Ultron (Book 10)✅Where stories live. Discover now