Chapter 44✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same Day: Upstate New York
Outside: New Avengers Facility
Front Yard 🏹⌨️🎭

Steve/Captain America and Tony look down at the grass, seeing the burn circle from the Bifrost as Thor and Sue just left and Tony comments, "That man has no regard for lawn maintenance." He and Steve/Captain America turns around and starts walking towards the road with Tyler following behind, he says, "I'm gonna miss him, though. And Sue." He starts to joke, "And you're gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears." He takes out his keys and holds it out towards the building, pressing the button on the key remote. Tony's car beeps and the engine starts.

Steve/Captain America tells Tony sincerely as they walk towards the road, "I will miss you, Tony."

Tony looks to Steve/Captain America, "Yeah?" He tilts his head, his car slowly drives forward on the road as they walk towards it, "Well, it's time for me to tap out." The drivers side window rolls down and the car stops, Tony says, "Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book." The two stop walking and stand beside the car, Steve/Captain America steps in front of Tony and faces him, "Build Anna a farm, raise Tyler there and hope nobody blows it up." Tyler goes up to Tony and grabs his hand.

Steve/Captain America grabs his belt, he smiles as he states, "The simple life."

Tony looks at Steve/Captain America and tells him, "You'll get there one day."

Steve/Captain America looks away as he tells Tony, "I don't know. Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago." He looks at Tony, "I think someone else came out."

Tony tilts his head and asks Steve/Captain America, "What about Amy?"

Steve/Captain America smiles at the mention of Amy and tells Tony truthfully, "I love her."

Tony raises his eyebrows a bit as he questions, "You sure?"

Steve/Captain America looks at Tony and tells him honestly, "I've never been more sure in my life." Tony smirks a little and nods impressed, Steve/Captain America straightens out a bit and tells Tony, "I'm thinking about popping the question to her."

Tony asks Steve/Captain America, "Marriage?"

Steve/Captain America nods and tells Tony, "We talked about it here and there..." He looks to Tyler playing with Tony's hand who is not fazed by it, "And we both confirmed that were not ready for kids yet."

Tony glances down at Tyler as he tells Steve/Captain America, "It's a big commitment, kids..." He looks at Steve/Captain America, "The responsibility, the love, you never know the feeling until you have one." Steve/Captain America nods understandably, Tony pauses for a second before he tells Steve/Captain America simply and assuringly, "Well, you have my blessings."

Steve/Captain America looks to Tony surprised and nods gratefully with a small smile, "Thank you."

Tony warns Steve/Captain America, "Don't break her heart."

Before Steve/Captain America could say anything, a familiar voice interrupts them, "You leaving, T?" Tony looks over his shoulder as Steve/Captain America looks past Tony to see Amy walking over to them with her Stark-headset on her head.

Tyler looks up at the sound of Amy's voice and gets excited, "Aunt Amy!" He runs over to Amy who leans down and catches him in her arms, hugging him tightly.

Tony nods and tells Amy as she holds Tyler on her hip, walking over to them, "Yep. Just about to go."

Amy stands beside Steve/Captain America on his right, basically standing between him and Tony, she nods sadly, "Okay. Say hi to Anna for me." She puts Tyler down and the two siblings hug.

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