Chapter 22✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same Afternoon: Barton's Farmhouse 🏹🔭⌨️🔬🎭
Outside: Front Yard / Porch

Tony chops a block of wood and asks Steve as he goes to grab another block, he's slightly out of breath, "Thor didn't say where he, Sue and Evelyn was going for answers?"

Steve says vaguely as he looks towards the porch where Clint is with his kids and nephew are at, Clint teaching his son how to measure a wood column for the railing as he's fixing the porch railing, Amy, Susie and Anna are in the other side of the porch, "Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things." Steve picks up a block and walks over to his stump, "I was kind of hoping Thor and Sue would be the exception."

Tony tells Steve as he tosses the broken pieces to a pile in front of him, "Yeah, give them time." He looks at Steve as he stands straight, "We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed them."

Steve swings his axe down and chops the block of wood, he stabs the stump with his axe, leaving it there and walks over to the pile of unchopped wood, he says, "'Earth's mightiest heroes.' Pulled us apart like cotton candy." He grabs a block from the pile.

Tony holds his axe, he says to Steve, "Seems like you walked away all right."

Steve puts down the block on his stump and looks a bit taken back from Tony's statement, he asks, "Is that a problem?"

Tony tells Steve, "I don't trust a guy without a dark side." He swings his axe down and chops the block of wood on his stump, he looks at Steve, "Call me old-fashioned."

Steve tells Tony defensively, "Well, let's just say you haven't seen it yet."

Tony steps towards Steve a bit who picks up his axe, "You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?"

Steve retorts, "Well I guess you'd know." He sighs and swings his axe down to chop the block as he says, "Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question."

Tony steps closer to Steve, saying defensively, getting mad, "Banner and I were doing research."

Steve cuts in also getting mad as he stabs his axe on his stump, "That would affect the team."

Tony stepping a bit closer as he immediately says, raising his voice a bit as he's now mad, "That would end the team!" He watches Steve walk to the pile of wood, "Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'Why We Fight'?" Steve picks up a block, "So we can end the fight." Tony tilts his head and narrows his eyes at Steve, "So we get to go home!"

Steve angrily rips apart the block of wood in his hands with his strength, Tony doesn't even flinch, just watches the two half's fall.

Steve turns to face Tony, telling him calmly but firmly as he's mad, "Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time." He says more firmer if possible, "And not to mention that you had been warned from Amelia." He looks shakes his head as he looks at Tony, "But Amy was right, you never listened to her." Tony blinks as he's taken back by what he said about Amy.

Laura walks up behind Tony, interrupting them, she says softly, "I'm sorry. Mr. Stark..." She glances and points to her husband with her left thumb behind her, she looks at Tony, "Uh, Clint said you wouldn't mind, but our tractor doesn't seem to want to start at all." Tony turns to face her, "I thought maybe you might-"

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