Chapter 12✔️

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Emoji Chapter:🤺Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Avengers Tower
Inside: Lounge Area

Minutes later, the whole team is going through the physical paper files in boxes to find what information they have on Strucker.

Thor opening and tossing the lids of the boxes carelessly aside, Anna moves to her left, avoids being hit as she walks by. Anna, Tony, Thor, Sue and Evelyn standing with Bruce who is sitting at a desk in the middle of the room.

Clint and Susie standing across the room from the others, looking through some files. Amy and AJ sitting on the floor with boxes all around them as they search through them.

AJ looking through some files on floor across from Amy, "Known associates." She says sarcastically as Steve walks over to the desk with a box in hand and stands between Tony and Thor, opening the box after setting it down, "Baron Strucker had a lot of friends." Tony looks down at the file, Bruce has in front of him.

Bruce comments as he looks through his file, "Well, these people are all horrible." Natasha stands beside Evelyn and Bruce.

Tony tells Bruce, "Wait." Bruce looks up at him, Tony staring at the photo in the file in Bruce's hands, "I know that guy." Bruce passes him the file, he was looking at and Tony calls out, "Ames, remember him?"

Amy looks and stands up, walking over, passing the group towards the table to stand between Tony and Steve, she looks at the picture and nods, "Yeah."

Tony explains as Clint and Susie walk over to them and stands behind Tony and Anna, AJ stands up and walks over to them, standing between Bruce and Natasha, "From back in the day. He operates off the African coast. Black market arms." Steve gives him an hard accusing look as Tony hands Thor a photo. Tony looks at Steve and assures him, "There are conventions. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything."

Amy holds her arms as they're crossed over her chest, she says as she tries to remember, "He was talking about finding something new, a game changer. It was all very Ahab." Thor holds up a photo of a man named Ulysses Klaue.

Thor points at the photo to the scar on the back of Klaue's neck, "This."

Amy leans forward a bit to look at where Thor's pointing to in the photo, she says unsurely, "Uh, it's a tattoo. I don't think he had it-"

Sue leans forward basically on Thor's left as she looks at the photo in his hands, she points to the tattoo's on the back of Klaue's head, "No, those are tattoos,-" She points to the scar on the back of Klaue's left side of his neck, "-this is a brand."

Bruce at a computer a few feet from them, he types and identifies the brand on Klaue's neck on the computer. Bruce finds the meaning of the brand and says lowly, "Oh, yeah." He says loudly for the other to hear, "It's a word in an African dialect meaning 'thief'." He turns to face the others as he points to the screen, "In a much less friendly way."

Susie asks her brother, "What dialect?"

Bruce reads the screen as he answers, saying the name incorrectly, "Wakanada?" He quickly turns back to the screen, sounding out the word as he gets it right, "Wa...Wa..." He faces everyone as he says it correctly, "Wakanda."

Tony, Amy and Steve share a look of realization, Tony says quietly to Amy and Steve, "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..." He trails off in a question.

Steve says lowly as he looks between the Stark siblings, "I thought your father said he got the last of it."

Bruce stands up and steps towards them, voicing everyone else's questioning thoughts, "I don't follow. What comes out of Wakanda?"

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