Chapter 7 ✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same Night: Avengers Tower
Main Area / Bar 🏹⌨️🔬🕊🎭🔭

Steve, Thor and Sue are standing at the bar where a couple of elderly men are sitting at, an elderly party guest man looks at Thor as he grabs a drink that was handed to him and he starts to pour a liquid from a flask that he has in his hand into the drink, "I gotta have some of that."

Thor disagrees with the elderly man, "Oh, no, no, no. See this.. This was aged for a thousand years-" He hands the glass to Steve who looks at it unsurely before smelling it in curiosity, "-in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet." Sue holds out her drink to Thor and he pours some of the liquid from the flask into her drink, "It's not meant for mortal men." Steve looks at Thor who then grabs his own cup and pours some of the liquid into his own glass.

A voice tells Thor from his left, "Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie." Steve Thor and Sue look to their left to see a man in a veterans uniform who happens to be Stan Lee, creator of Marvel, he tells Thor, "Stop trying to scare us." He gestures the drink to him with his fingers, "Come on."

Thor looks to Steve who raises his eyebrows like 'if he wants to, then sure', Thor them looks to Sue who shrugs unsurely as she concerned, knowing how strong their Asgardian drinks are while she takes a sip from her own drink, Thor then decides, "All right." Thor grabs the man's drink and pours some of the liquid from the flask into Stan Lee's drink and sets it on the bar in front of him to drink.

A couple minutes later, Stan Lee looking extremely drunk, he's being held and carried off by two men while he slurs, "Excelsior."

The party has calmed more, playing Jazzy music. Natasha is standing behind the bar, pouring herself a drink after making it, Bruce walks up to her with a smile and a small nod, Natasha looks up and raises her eyebrow with a faint smirk before it disappears as she looks down.

Bruce takes off his glasses and takes a seat in front of Nat as he playfully asks, "How'd a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?"

Natasha wanting to smirk but makes a sad face as she looks down, playing along but also telling the truth, "Fella done me wrong."

Bruce tells Natasha as she pours him another glass of what she's having, "You got a lousy taste in men, kid."

Natasha tells Bruce, "He's not so bad. Well, he has a temper." She leans her left forearm on the counter as she grabs her drink in the other, "Deep down, he's all fluff." Bruce smiles a bit as he hears her describe him and takes a sip of the drink, "Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known. All my friends are fighters. And here comes this guy, spends his life avoiding the fight because he knows he'll win."

Bruce shakes his head a bit with a shrug as he says sheepishly, liking the description of him, "Sounds amazing."

Natasha quickly adds, "He's also a huge dork." Banner looking embarrassed and quickly raised his eyebrow like 'yeah, that's true', Natasha also adds assuringly, "Chicks dig that." She puts down her drink and asks Bruce, "So what do you think? Should I fight this, or run with it?"

Bruce surprised and quickly says as he stutters a bit, "Run with it, right? Or, did he-was he?... What did he do that was so... wrong to you?"

Natasha admits, "Not a damn thing." She leans forward and smirks, "But never say never." Natasha grabs her drink and walks away as Steve arrives at the empty bar.

Bruce staring off in thought before Steve interrupts as he says, "It's nice."

Bruce startled and quickly turns to his left to see Steve a few feet from him, leaning against the bar, "What-what-what is?"

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