Chapter 38

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Emoji Chapter:🤺 Fight/➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Sokovia, Eastern Europe
Inside: Helicarrier
Main Bridge

Hill in her old SHIELD suit and standing at her place, just below the main controls on the right by Fury, "Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing."

Former SHIELD tech-specialist agent Cameron Klein (From Book 8 [Captain America: The Winter Soldier]), he sits at a computer, saying as he types, "Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in-" He puts his right finger to his earpiece, "-three, two..." He clicks in his keyboard before ordering, "Take 'em out."

Outside: Sky

From the bottom side of the Helicarrier opens up to reveal four high-tech lifeboats flying out of the Helicarrier down towards the city.

Street Near Bridge ☘️🎭

Pietro stands by Vivian and asks the others as he stares at the Helicarrier with a smile, "This is S.H.I.E.L.D?"

Anna/Black Shadow answers Pietro with a smile as she stares at the Helicarrier, "This is what S.H.I.E.L.D is supposed to be."

Pietro's smile grows and looks to Vivian who smiles up at him, he takes her right hand in his left, she gives it a assuring squeeze, he looks back at the Helicarrier and says, "This is not so bad." Vivian nods in agreement.


The lifeboats get closer to the edges of the city, turning to it's side as they get closer.


Steve/Captain America tells the team, "Let's load 'em up." Steve/Captain America and the others turn to get the people on the lifeboats.


The lifeboats get to the edges of the city, getting close enough to start letting people in.

A group of Ultron's robots flying up to the Helicarrier.

Inside: Helicarrier
Main Bridge

Maria staring at her monitor screen, she quickly informs Fury, "Sir, we have multiple bogies-" Fury turns his head, not looking happy as he knows it Ultron's robots coming their way, "-converging on our starboard flank."

Fury faintly smirks as he commands, "Show 'em what we got."

Hill presses her finger to her Bluetooth earpiece, "You're up."

Outside: Sky

The group of robots flying towards the Helicarrier is suddenly shot at and takes out robots 126 and 127, robot 128 glances at the two dead robots and looks up to see Rhodey in his War Machine suit, flying closer and blasts robot 128, he shouts happily, "Yes!" He activates his thrusters and turns, flying off.

Inside: Rhodey's War Machine Suit

Rhodey looking forward as he says, "Now this is gonna be a good story."

Outside: Sky

Rhodey/War Machine shooting forward with the attached machine-gun over his left shoulder, he looks over his shoulder just as he gets blasted at from behind by robot 129 who then gets destroyed by Tony/Iron Man as he flew in and blasted it.

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