Chapter 28✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added Scenes/Chapter

Same Day: Seoul, Korea
Inside: Quinjet 🕊

AJ/Crystal Dove looks down at her screen and says in her comms, "Nat, we gotta go." The rears doors are open.

Inside: U-Gin Storage Truck

The Quinjet rear facing the back of the U-Gin storage truck with the doors open, getting a bit closer.

Outside: Sky

Ultron flying straight towards the truck and Quinjet.

Inside: U-Gin Storage Truck

Natasha/Black Widow cuts the last strap that's holding the Regeneration Cradle, she attaches a bomb to the back wall of the truck with the count down of ten.

Natasha/Black Widow jumps on the back of the Cradle as it started to slide forward, the bomb counting down from five.

Outside: Sky

Natasha/Black Widow holding onto the Regeneration Cradle tightly as the Cradle slides off the truck and starts to drop into the Quinjet but then Ultron flies up and catches her foot, pulling her away as the truck explodes behind them.

Inside: Quinjet 🕊

The Regeneration Cradle drops and slides inside the jet. Both Clint/Hawkeye and AJ/Crystal Dove shouts as they look over their shoulders, "Nat!"

Outside: Street

The speeding train crashes through the barrier that the end of the track and continues to speed forward off track, going through and breaking things in its way.

Inside: Train

People stumble and fall while they hang on as the train speeds through off track and onto the road.

Outside: Road

The train breaking crates and boxes in it's way as it doesn't stop.

Inside: Quinjet

Clint/Hawkeye looks forward after seeing the Cradle inside the jet with no Natasha/Black Widow, he asks through comms, "Cap, you see Nat?"

Inside: Train

Steve/Captain America still in the cockpit, he looks around outside the broken windshield, he shouts in his comms, "If you have the package,-"

Inside: Quinjet 🕊

AJ/Crystal Dove and Clint/Hawkeye listening to Steve through comms as they share a look, "-get it to Stark! Go!"

AJ/Crystal Dove demands through her comms, "Do you have eyes on Nat?"

Steve doesn't answer, just orders, "Go!" AJ/Crystal Dove and Clint/Hawkeye share an unhappy look, AJ/Crystal Dove shakes her head as she looks away.

Outside: Sky

The Quinjet revives it's thrusters and it speeds off, leaving the city.

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