Chapter 20✔️

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Emoji Chapter:➕Added/🗣Mentioned Scenes/➖Short Chapter

Same Morning: Barton's Farmhouse
Inside: Living Room 🏹🔭

Lila walks up to Thor, looking up at him curiously, Thor looks down at her unsurely before he looks to the ground, hearing voices that are not in the room.

Thor narrows his eyes as he remembers a bit of the hallucinations brought by Wanda/Scarlet Witch as it continues to creep up in Thor's mind, he gets flashes of the party, Heimdall blind and strangling him as he struggles against him.

Thor snaps out of his flashback/vision from the toaster dinging and the toast shooting out. Thor nudges Sue by the thigh with his forearm and she looks at him as he starts to walk out, Sue follows him as Evelyn looks after them confused, she looks at Steve/Captain America and they share a confused look and they both follow the Asgardians walks out of the house with some of the team looking after them confused.

Outside: Front Yard 🔭🏹⌨️

Steve/Captain America calls out to Thor as he and Evelyn walk to the door, "Thor?"

Thor tells Steve/Captain America as he and Sue step off the porch steps and stands in front of the house, "I saw something in that dream." He turns to face Steve/Captain America and Evelyn, "I need answers. I won't find them here." He gestures Evelyn over to him and Sue, "Evelyn, come with us."

Evelyn looks confused as she walks down the porch steps and walks over to Thor and Sue, "Where?"

Thor doesn't answer and holds Evelyn close to him by the waist, he tells both women, "Hold on." Sue holds onto Thor's collar from behind as Evelyn wraps her arms around Thor and holds onto him.

Thor spins his hammer and he flies up, taking the two woman with him, Steve/Captain America watches Thor leave in the air before looking around and turns to enter the house.

Steve/Captain America stops in front of the open door when he hears Genevieve's voice from Wanda's vision, "We can go home and be a family."

Amy walks out of the house and stands in front of Steve/Captain America, she looks at him worriedly, "Steve?" Steve/Captain America snaps out of his thought and looks to Amy who nods to inside, "Come on inside and get cleaned up." Steve/Captain America looks around the property before following Amy and walking inside the house.

Inside: Guest Bedroom ⌨️🎖🔬

In one of the guest bedrooms, Amy opens a door and walks out of the ensuite bathroom in fresh clothing to see Steve dressed in normal clothes and staring out the window, she walks up behind Steve and wraps her arms around his waist, her hands on his chest, Steve looks down at her hands. Amy asks Steve, her face against his shoulder, "You okay?"

Steve rubs Amy's hands that's on his chest softly, "I'll get there." He turns his head a bit to looks Amy, "What about you, how are you feeling?"

Amy tells Steve, truthfully, "I feel fine. That Maximoff kid didn't get into my head." She sighs and Steve turns around, giving her a questioning look, she admits, "I'm just so mad at Tony." She let's go of Steve and turns around, walking to the bed and slowly sits down, "You know, Susie and I warned him that something like this was gonna happen." She shakes her head a bit and looks to the side, "He never listens to me."

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