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Jimin POV
My heart was beating faster than it ever has before. She was coming, she was going to live with us, she was going to be with me again. I kept thinking about us as we were children, all the times she would dress me up and say "Oppa! Wouldn't it be pretty if your hair was colourful? We could die our hair when we are big! Red and white and blue and pink and purple and all the colours!" and would smile to me with her crooked teeth.

I loved her so much, every time she made me mad I could never stay that way. I didn't realize it but I was smiling like a mad man with my head down thinking about her. "Jimin? Jimin!" I heard Taehyung shouting "Oh, yes?" I answered back oblivious to what had been going on "Were you day dreaming about your girlfriend?" Yoongi laughed at me

"I wasn't daydreaming, I was just thinking about    (Y/n)." I answered, "Oh" they all said back snickering at me. "Laugh all you want, I'm just happy she is coming because I haven't seen her in so long" "Does she still act and look awkward? Remember when we saw your video chats with her before, she looked so," Ho-seok was about to continue when Namjoon did "She looked as if her looks where the same as Jimins jams" Everyone laughed to that comment while I just sat there.

"They're just teasing Jimin" Jungkook smiled to me. "I know, they just better stop teasing when (Y/n) gets here" I said just as the elevator began to make noise. I ran to the doors of it and as they opened I saw her, (Y/n). I lifted her in hug and shouted "(Y/n)!" As she said "Oppa!"

It seamed as if our hug lasted forever, she was so warm and smelt like chocolate. As I set her down she smiled to me and said "I missed you so much Jimin" "I did too (Y/N)" I answered her back patting her head.

"You both done yet? Or would you two like another minute?" Jin asked us, at first I thought he was teasing but then I realized what I was talking to them about before she came or the teasing started.

I stood beside (Y/n) and faced the guys "You all remember (Y/n), right?
(Y/n) just to refresh this is Namjoon, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jin, Ho-seok and Jungkook." She waved politely and said hello as they all stared at her in aw struck with her silky (length) (colour{s}) (type) hair, big beautiful (colour) eyes, perfect (skin tone) skin and (cup) chest with her (bodytype) body.

As I swiftly took (Y/n)'s backpack onto my back instead and held the handle on her suitcase I said, "And yes, we are done Jin, we can leave now" as we all squished ourselves in the lift I noticed an uncomfortable​ (Y/n) stuck in a corner with a flirty looking Jungkook and a sly looking Taehyung.

When we got out Jungkook asked "Mm, (Y/n) since when did you get so pretty?" She blushed and tried to reply but it was mumbled "Aw, what's wrong, cat got your tounge?" He took her hand and said "Don't worry, you don't need to say anything" I was getting annoyed so I stepped in and said "(Y/n), come join Oppa, you can take to Jungkook later" She nodded, left Jungkook and whispered a thank you to me and asked "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise, we'll be their soon"

A/n, About how Jimin feels about you, it's meant to be an overly protective brotherly love so don't get any ideas 😂

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now