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(Y/n) POV
Stretching my arms above my head I opened my eyes. I had just woken up from my sleep after the evening punishment I had received.

My ass ached like hell but I could shake it off, hopefully. I pulled on my turtleneck once again and some longer shorts as i had marks and got my crutch making my way out.

"Morning" I greeted the few in the living room as I went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and plastered a smile on my face.

Stepping out Jin seemed to be waiting by the door "oh I'm sorry did I take too long I'm the bathroom?" I apologized. "No, no I wanted to ask if you would like to go for a walk in the park with me?" Jin shyly offered twiddling his fingers.

Smiling softly I nodded in agreement and asked to change quickly. Putting on decent trousers, Jin guided me to a small cute looking park. There was a silence, not an awkward silence, but a nice comfortable silence.

He linked arms with my left arm as my right held my crutch. I looked around, taking in the scenery as a memory came to mind.

*Flashback continuation from chap9 *
Third person POV
Tears formed in young
(Y/n)s eyes as they began falling. Her feelings were hurt by the older 6's opinions and questions.

"Hey guys look what you did, (Y/n) is crying now!" Jimin scolded as he held his sister in his arms. Jin tapped (Y/n)'s shoulder as the young female looked up at the oldest male "We are sorry for making you cry
(Y/n)" bowing his head continuing "we have just heard so much about you from Jimin that we got a little over excited. I hope you can forgive us and that we can put that behind us so we can make friends"

(Y/n) dried her tears, smiled and whispered "Alright"

*Current events*
(Y/n) POV
I kept a straight face as I remembered that first impression as I had mixed feelings about it even until this day. I quickly shook off the thought and smiled again remembering Jin brought me here on his own time.

"So how do you feel living with us?" Jin broke the comfortable silence.

"To be honest, it has its ups and downs haha but overall I'm enjoying the experience. Especially moments like these" We came to a halt infront of the small lake, admiring the ducks with their baby's.

"There's a store just at the exit of the park, we can go buy some bread to feed the ducks if you like" Jin said looking at me.

"Ok, but can I just sit by that bench over there? I'm a bit tired of walking outside with this thing" I lifted my cast a small bit to show him.

Jin nodded his head helping me to a bench and left. I sat peacefully for a minute as my phone went off. Checking it I saw it was Jimin.

Jimin: (Y/n) where are you?
Jimin: you didn't tell me you left..
Jimin: with Jin
Jimin: where did he take you?
Jimin: did he kidnap you?

I giggled at Jimin's worry and replied

Me: Jimin Oppa stop worrying, we are just in a park. Jin went to by some bread to feed the ducks so I'm sitting down

Jimin: why didn't you tell me? I was worried about you

Me: aww Chim Chim I'm fine, I didn't tell you because you slept, sorry <3

Jimin: it's alright. Remember to tell me next time (Y/n)

Me: I will ^~^

"Who are you talking to?" I heard Jin ask as he tried to take a glance at my phone screen. I put my phone back on my pocket "oh just Jimin, he asked where I was." I answered sweetly.

For a moment Jin had an expression of annoyance but it quickly changed to a smile. "I got the bread, let's go feed the ducks"

A/n, hey guys. Been a while, sorry about that. I've been getting much better after meeting some new girls and I feel much better now. My physical health is still lacking a little bit but I'm better so idc. A short and crappy chapter, I plan to update again in an hour or so


//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now