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(Y/n) POV
I tossed and turned in my little DIY bed not being able to go back to sleep. I stretched out my arm to my backpack to retrieve my phone from the front pocket to see the time was 4:27 AM "Ugh" I groaned being half awake and half asleep. I quietly crept to a window to see that it was pouring rain outside.

I quickly went back to my bed being to tired to stand up. I tried closing my eyes and counting sheep but it was no use. After another sleepless 15 minutes I took my phone again turned it on vibration and continued to check my email and social medias. When I clicked messages I was greeted with over 70 unread text messages and 20 missed calls from all my European friends.

Clicking in our group chat I scrolled up all the way to the top to see what the conversation was about.

Katie: Jeez Christ, watch this vid I found of all
(Y/n)'s fella's, it's gas

Marina: Yah, it's hilarious! How can they be so gay yet so straight?

Violleta: Oui! So fun lol

Octavia: Goodness, the way they are acting has to be fake, but it is a tad funny

Katie: Swear it's real! Look at dem other ones too, all of her fella's are weird af

Violleta: is funny, no? Zat is true comedy!

Marina: they need to calm down, looks like they are high

Katie: ikr


Octavia: send us it then! Don't keep us waiting!
Violleta: the expression is priceless hehehe

Marina: even I can twerk better than them both
*Sends a video of her twerking*

I muffle my laughs in my pillow as to not wake anyone up. The rest of the chat is just a compilation of my 4 friends enjoying themselves in our small group chat. I missed them all but I came to Korea because I missed Jimin more. See, I was given an option to live with Jimin and the rest of the bts or go with my friends back to London to live for a while. I chose Jimin so Violleta stayed in France, Marina in Germany, Octavia in America and Katie in Ireland.

I checked the time again seeing it was 5 AM. I pondered about what I should do then texted

Me: Hi guys, sorry I didn't answer I had a hectic day I just read the previous chat and wanted to say a few things, 1 Katie shut your fat face they are not my fella's lol

Me:2 Violleta, we get it your French you don't need to text you accent too, lysm <3

Me:3 Octavia, believe there personalitys they aren't fake

Me: and 4 Marina you are the queen of twerking

I smiled to myself happy with how I answered them. Turning off the vibration and set my phone down. Sneaking into Jimin and Hoseok's room I quickly got into Jimin's bed to snuggle in with him as he slept peacefully. I buried my head into his back and put my arm around him as I slowly drifted to sleep.

A/n, only a small chapter sorry readers. But hey you have friends at least you aren't a loner 😂

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now