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(Y/n) POV
I was whimpering in pain as I sat on a hospital bed with my left knee swollen and bruised. I sniffed as Jimin cuddled me slightly rocking me in his arms.

I had just finished taking an X-ray and the doctor had gone off to get my results. The room was quite, Jimin had told everyone to go to the waiting room and leave me with peace and quite.

Sighing, Jimin spoke "Im sorry about today, I should've just let you shop and then we all would have went somewhere else to eat, it's my fault" he looked down in guilt as I felt ashamed that my brother would blame himself for my stupidity in not looking where I was stepping. "Chim Chim, it's not your fault, it's mine. I will take responsibility if Appa and Eomma ask what had happened to me. Dont argue with me and just accept what im saying" I reassured him not wanting him to feel bad. Jimin looked as if he wanted to say something but held it back.

The doctor knocked on the door signalling he had the results as he came in, clearing his throat he announced "Mrs Park, I'm sorry to inform you that you have broken your leg, it is only minor injury but you will need to have a cast and crutches for the next 6 to 8 weeks" me and Jimin nodded our heads as he continued "I will have a nurse sent here in 10 minutes to give you your cast and crutches" he bowed his head to us as we did the same and left the room as the 6 boys walked in curious as to what the doctor said.

Jinin had explained that i had broken my leg while Yoongi and Namjoon laughed "Hey (Y/n), remember when me and Suga made you fall of your suitcase and hurt your leg? That reminds us of this hahaha" I shook my head at the memory as Jimin was eyeing the two as he wasn't informed of this.

After a bit more than an hour I was discharged from the hospital with my cast and crutches. Jungkook had offered to hold my bag but instead Jimin took it from him as he was still annoyed at Jungkook about earlier. When we got back to the dorms I had excused myself so I could wash up.

Jimin had helped me gather my things for a bath and told me to call him when I was ready so he could help me.

Jimin POV
As I closed the bathroom door Jungkook began to try act helpful so I wouldn't be mad at him anymore "Jimin hyung! Dont we need to buy (Y/n) pain killers?" Jungkook called out. My mind went blank as I forgot all about them. I nodded my head and found the prescription "Jungkook, come with me to get the medicine. Yoongi, if Im not back when (Y/n) is finished her wash, help her out with Namjoon" I hurriedly said as the pharmacy was going to close soon and the next one was far.

Yoongi nodded not looking up from his computer as Jungkook and I left.

(Y/n) POV
I had finished washing as I drained the water, drying myself as much as possible while still sitting. Putting on a shirt Jimin let me borrow i shouted "Jimin! You can come in and help me now!" I waited a minute for him to come but all I heard was murmurs on the other side of the door when Yoongi popped his head in "Jimin told me and Namjoon to help you out, you decent yet?"

Shaking my head i answered "No.. Jimin was to help me get out of the tub so I could dress myself. I'm wearing his shirt but it doesn't cover much"

Namjoon opened the door to let himself and Yoongi in and said "No worries, we wont look down" They both successfully helped me up without looking down and walked out. Yoongi told me as his back faced me "Call us again if you need more help, we'll be beside the door" Thanking them as the door closed again for me to properly dress myself.

I told them I was ready when they opened the door and handed me my crutches. We walked to our room as Jin stood beside my little bed with pillows for my leg when Hoseok and Taehyung came.

"Are you going to make poor (Y/n) sleep on that bed with her broken leg?" Taehyung asked sincerely. I nodded not really minding when Hoseok suggested "How about she sleeps in Jungkook's room for a week or two? He wont mind sleepimg with Yoongi and Jin." Without having a say in this Yoongi and Namjoon lifted me queen chair style, Jin got my backpack and pillows while Taehyung and Hoseok opened doors for us as we went to Jungkook's room.

I was put lieing down on the bed and Jin lifted my leg putting pillows underneath.

"Are you comfortable
(Y/n)?" Jin asked as they all looked at me willing to do whatever I had to ask. I smiled them "Thank you all for helping me while Jimin wasn't here. I don't need anything right now I just would like to rest a little bit." They nodded and left.

I sighed with a mix of happyness and pain as I slowly drifted off to dream land.

Third Person POV
When Jimin and Jungkook arrived back, (Y/n) was already asleep as everyone was to their own business. Jungkook went to his room to retrieve his laptop but as he stepped in he saw (Y/n) on his bed snuggled in his sheets with her leg sticking out.

The male blushed seeing the girl asleep like this on his bed as he slowly backed up and softly closed the door.

Jungkook heard Jimin asking where was (Y/n) and Jungkook answered "She is asleep" with a dreamy look in his eyes, remembering her beautiful sleeping form.

A/n, oml im updating in the middle of the day instead of middle of the night, that means ima be getting sleep lmao
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and Reader about your broken leg, sorry not sorry 😂

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