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Jungkook POV
"Wait, where do I sleep?" I asked curiously not wanting to sleep in (Y/n)'s bed. They all shrugged and someone mumbled "You can sleep in the main room"

Thinking for a moment I decided to sleep in Taehyung's bed so he could sleep in the living room instead of me. I went to his bed fixing it making it comfortable for me and wrote a note for him
'sorry not sorry :) I'm tired after going to the pharmacy with Jimin so I'm using your bed'

Taehyung POV
I stood beside my bed seeing Jungkook sleeping peacefully on it. I was annoyed at him but then again he bare slept it my bed, mostly Jimin's. I sighed and took my pillow from him and left to sleep on the sofa.

After around an hour of trying to sleep I gave up. I wasn't about to sleep in
(Y/n)'s bed but I was about to sleep in Jungkook's bed with (Y/n). If you're wondering why I wouldn't sleep in her bed because she deserves to have her own privacy and Jimin would be mad.

But if I slept on someone elses bed and she so happened to sleep there too, well that's different. I quietly crept to her in the bed. She was on the edge of the bed on side while her leg still lay flat without a blanket. I lied down beside her looking at her face all the while. Her mouth slightly parted with a view of her straight teeth, big eyes closed with her long eyelashes.

A thought came to mind.

Kiss her.

(Slight lemon warning, you can skip this part if you would like. Lizanna, I will kill you for making me write this)

No, I wasn't going to do that with her sleeping and unable to stop me if she didn't want it. But she looked so tempting, She shifted in her sleep facing towards me taking the blanket off herself. It was as if she was displaying herself to me. The shirt she was wearing was see through so her black bra was showing, short shorts so tight they clung to her skin.

I bit my lip trying to hold myself back. I couldn't anymore, I met her lips giving a soft and gentle kiss with my hand trailing down her chest. She gasped when I kissed down her neck to her shoulder enjoying every moment as my hand massaging her breast.

(Y/n) POV
It felt hard to breath, I felt like someone was blocking my mouth. When it was removed I gasped for air. I felt a wonderful sensation down my neck, I didn't know what was going on but I loved it.

"(Y/n)" the person stopped and groaned. It took me a moment to realize who it was, "Taehyung" I whispered putting my hand through his hair "don't stop"

He immediately attacked my neck and shoulder, bitting and sucking roughly as I whimpered grabbing his hair. Lifting my shirt off he whispered "I've always liked you (Y/n), do you?" I didn't reply, all I knew was that I was in arousing pain and loving it.
(End of slight lemon)

"Good evening (Y/n), are you sti-Taehyung get off!" I heard Jimin soft voice escalate to a scream. Taehyung lifted his head up to see Jimin ripping him off of me and scream "What were you both doing?!" I looked down in shame quickly covering myself with the blanket and Taehyung just looked away as if he didn't care.

By now, Yoongi had come to the door "Twice in one day I have been woken up, what happened now" As he rubbed his eyes they widened as he witnessed the scene before him "On second thought, Taehyung, come with me and help me go to sleep" Slightly pulling Taehyung with him as they left.

Jimin closed the door and asked "Care to explain
(Y/n)?" Crossing his arms and sitting down. I swallowed hard "Well, I fell asleep when you were still out and a few minutes ago I guess Taehyung came here to sleep with me? I would've thought Jungkook would come here instead" Jimin raised his eyebrow, "not that I wanted Jungkook instead of Taehyung! Or any of them! I mean because I slept in Jungkooks bed and I'm well, what you say was a misunderstanding Jimin."

My eyes darted everywhere but Jimin, I was too embarrassed to look at him, or to be honest I was too confused on what was going on.

"We'll talk about it in the morning (Y/n). But don't think I'm done with you. Remember who is the boss of you" he stood up trying to act as intimidating as possible and left.

A/n, Lizanna you shit head I hate you for this 😂 don't put you dirty ass comments here give em to me on SC 😂 hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry for my crappy writing skills

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now