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Jungkook POV
(Y/n) was sitting by my feet. Looking at me with those big (colour) eyes of hers as she panted.

*Five minutes before
Third person POV
As Jin and (Y/n) entered the dorms once again, they laughed and had 2 bright smiles.

Jin had been 'attacked' by a duck for touching its baby's and the ending result was Jin covered in water and breadcrumbs. Excusing himself to wash up (Y/n) was just about to go to the living room only to be stopped by Jungkook. Jungkook grabbed her waist and one of her crutches, he half dragged her to his room.

"Jungkook! What are yo-" (Y/n)s sentence was cut short as Jungkook smashed his lips on hers. He shoved his tounge in (Y/n)'s mouth as she melted into the rough kiss. Jungkook explored every inch of her mouth before he pulled away.

*Present Time*

She looked so innocently....
aroused. She was about to get another little punishment from me. This time for going out without telling me, at least that's what she thought, she was really getting punished for going out with Jin.

"Do you know why I'm mad?" I asked looking at her with a straight face trying to hold myself back. (Y/n) shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

I slightly stood on her hand and asked her again "Do you know, why I'm mad?"

She whimpered and mumbled "Jungkook, it hurts" as she tried getting my foot off. I applied more pressure to her hand and she finally answered "Is Jungkook Oppa mad because I went out with Jin?"

Removing my foot I lifted her to eye level and I blankly replied "Yes.Very."

I swiftly removed her turtleneck and kissed her on the lips with a little less force compared to last time. I fondled her breast through her bra, squeezing and give light pinchs.

(Y/n) moaned into the kiss as I massaged her breasts. When we pulled back for air I removed her bra and began sucking on her left nipple and I pinched and pulled her right one.

"Oh, Jungkook" (Y/n) bit her lip and gripped onto my hair tugging at it. I switched to her right nipple and gave love bights to both. I pulled down my pants along with my boxers to reveal my hard dick.

I sat on the bed and firmly commanded "suck" (Y/n)  hesitantly put my tip in her mouth and swirled her tounge around. I gave a deep groan and grabbed a fist full of (Y/n)'s hair pushing her head down to take more of me in.

She gagged but I kept going, moving her head up and down at a steady pace I losened my grip and moaned "Ah, (Y/n) Jagia your mouth is so warm around me"

She moved her head a bit faster going deeper each time and parts she couldn't take she pumped them with her hand while occasionally playing with my balls.

This went on for several minutes before I started to feel a knot in my lower stomach, meaning I was about to reach my high soon.

"Mm, (Y/n) Jagi, be ready" I warned her as I came, pushing her head as far as it could go. When she lifted her head up it looked as if she was about to spit my seed out. Grabbing her chin I looked into her eyes and said "Swallow" as she did.

Her face twisted for a moment, guessing she thought it was a sour taste. "That's your punishment Baby Girl, we're done now" I pulled up my boxers and pants as she lightly panted while putting her bra a shirt back on.

(Y/n) looked so hot and bothered that I was about to fuck her on the spot but something told me to wait. I left the room as (Y/n) was taking a few moments to regain her composer

A/n, what I tell ya 😂 i think that was less than an hour lol tbh I feel so impulsive to write an entire chapter in French because our French teachers are really stuffing vocabulary down our throat 😂😑 see you all later


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