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(Y/n) POV
I woke up to my little alarm shutting it off as soon as i awoke to not disturb Jin or Yonngi in their sleep. I crept quietly to Jimin and Hoseok's room and jumped in Jimins bed. "Opppaaaa CHIM CHIMY! WAkE Upp YOu sAId wE WOulD GO oUt TOdaYY!" I shook him violently as to wake him up not caring how rough i was.

"ah, (Y/n)! You're going to wake up everyone with your shouting!" Covering his head under the pillow as he scolded me. "I dont care, wake up" i pouted sitting on him.

As Hoseok got half up he said "If you can wake up Yoon, then i promise i will wake everyone up for you" i smiled at Hoseok and thanked him because i was determined to wake up Yoongi.

Easier said then done

Much easier.

I shook Yoongi as hard as i could and continuously called out his name along with nicknames such as "Yoongi, Yoon, YoonYoon, Suga, Sugar, Genius, Savage boi, Handsome Genius, Gummy Smiler" but none did the job, all i got was a kick from him in his sleep.

As a result of my endless quest to wake the sleeping genius i had succeeded to wake up everyone else as they gathered to see what all the noise was about. I looked to them with a helpless expression and asked no one in specific hoping they wouldn't be mad "Could my big strong Oppa help me wake up Yoongi please"

"Oh you must mean me" Jungkook stepped forward stating proudly puffing his chest out. "It's alright Kookie, your hyung will do it for you" Jin stepped in "No! I will" Taehyung didn't know what to say but wanted to get in on it.

As i saw all three wanting my little title, I got an idea "Oh, my big strong Oppa will be whoever can wake up Yoongi Sunbae~" The three went to Yoongi with Jungkook sitting on him, Jin poking his face calling out his name and Taehyung trying to push Yoongi out of bed.

I went to the main room with Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok as neither of us wanted to see how the sleepy male would react to the harsh waking up.

*Le time skip after breakfast because auther nim is lazy*

As i went to put all of the dishes in the sink i heard a very bad word being shouted from an anger sounding person.

Jungkook POV
"Shhh, Yoongi Hyung, we don't want (Y/n) to come here" I whispered to Yoongi trying to calm him down. "Then tell me why 'Oh SO PRECIOUS (Y/N)' has anything to do with why you all woke me?!"

"Because we wanted to impress her" Taehyung said blanky

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Because we all like her"

Yonngi started laughing at us "All three?" And laughed more till he was out if breath.

"Whats so funny about that?" Jin asked almost with a slight annoyance.

Yoongi picked himself up, still laughing, and walked to the main room is his boxers not carring as a girl was there.

(Y/n) POV
Once i saw Yoon awake i squealed "Who is my big strong Oppa?" Yoongi looked at me with a smirk and said "None of them, i woke up by myself"

As the trio came through the door frame they looked disappointed as none of them got my title. Oh well, anyway Yoongi is awake.

A/n lol hi my brother gave my phone to my mom so yeah 😅 sorry for the short chap, i have another book coming out so be read for that!

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now