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(Y/n) POV
"I'm about to be wh-what?" I stuttered as the male came closer with his rugged breathing.

"You heard me sweetheart" he grabbed my shoulder as I stumbled into his chest "Wh-who" I mumbled. "Aw poor puppy doesn't know it's Taehyung Oppa who is about to punish her" Taehyung growled in my ear.

He threw my turtleneck off my head as I immediately put my arms in a 'X' shape across my chest with my hands on my shoulders. "Mm, sweetheart don't cover up, let me see my marks on your beautiful skin~" Taehyung moved my arms down.

I could feel his gaze burning into my skin as he caressed my arm, across my chest and slowly edging down. "Taehyung, what if Jimin finds us again?" I gulped trying to take my mind off of what he was doing.

"Mm, sweetheart, Jimin went out with Jin and Hoseok. No one should bother us" He began tugging on my loose sleeping shorts slowly pulling them down I as stood still and held my breath.

"So sweetheart, do you know what I'm going to do to you?" Pulling down my shorts all the way as he sat down on the bed. I bit my lip only having a vague idea of what he could do.

I stayed silent. "So that's how it's going to be, eh?" Yanking my wrist, I fell on his lap. "Now, the opinions I didn't like. Alien? Baby boy? Biggest brother?" He rubbed circles around my rear end, "So your punishment will be, mm, how about 10 spankings? What do you think of that sweetheart?"

"What? No, wait you can't just-ah!" His hand hit my left ass cheek. It left a stinging hot mark as tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. "This will teach you" he smacked again "to" smack "be" smack "respectful" smack "to your" two slaps "elders" and slapped me 3 times in a row.

Tears stained my face. I hadn't been hurt like this before. I had gotten small slaps as a child for misbehaving but never a full on spankings from a man I had met barely two weeks ago.

"Do you think that is enough?" Taehyung loudly asked which seemed to be no one but someone opened the door "Not quite. I need to have my go at her too anyway." The other voice slyly said.

Taehyung abruptly got up as I fell down not being warned about his sudden movements. The other man turned on the lights to revel it was Jungkook "So baby girl, did you enjoy what Taehyung did to you? Because I'm not going to be that gentle" Jungkook growled and pulled my hair.

"Still think I'm a baby boy (Y/n)? Or do you think you're a baby girl?" He roughly kissed me, bitting my bottom lip and slipping his tongue into my mouth as I gasped in pain.

"Get on your hands and knees baby girl" He whispered into my ear as I did so reluctently. Taking off his belt he thought for a moment "I'm thinking 15 whips baby, if it hurts just call out my name"

My eyes widened as the belt hit me "ah Jungkook!" I moaned in pain as he continued. I started crying again, but this time it was a mix of pain and pleasure. Every time the belt struck me I whimpered his name along with Taehyung.

When he stopped I let my hands go limp as my butt was still in the air. "Did you learn your lesson about being respectful sweetheart?" Taehyung forced me to stand as he looked me in the eyes. "Yes" I murmur quietly as he and Jungkook smirked.

"Good. We'll leave you too rest baby girl. Enjoy it while it lasts" Jungkook winked at me as the both left.

I got into bed and covered my half naked body with the blanket and thought about what the actual he'll just happened.

A/n, swiggity swooty, they're coming for that booty 😏😂 Sorry for the wait, Liz is still trying to teach me to write lemons *cough*I suck*cough*.also believe me you can do all that with a cast it's pretty easy

One of my internet friends called Jake looks a hella ton like Jungkook and he actually watches porn daily tbh so he helped me with this chapter😂 I need friends my own age smh Liz is like 15, Jake is 16 and I'm a tiny bean of 13 smh

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One of my internet friends called Jake looks a hella ton like Jungkook and he actually watches porn daily tbh so he helped me with this chapter😂 I need friends my own age smh Liz is like 15, Jake is 16 and I'm a tiny bean of 13 smh

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now