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Jungkook POV
When Jin confessed his crush on (Y/n) I was pissed. I already had to compete with Taehyung and now him. After Jimin was finished giving Jin a stern talking too I brought him to Taehyung. (Y/n) was on the bed with Taehyung on top tickling her. I coughed loudly to get their attention as the both sat up, (Y/n) had a red face from laughing to much and Taehyung with a smug smile.

"Oh (Y/n), could me and Jin talk to Tae hyung for a minute?" I asked her trying to hide my anger. She nodded and left reluctantly. "Taehyung, Jin likes (Y/n) too" I told him blunty. "What? That's why you wanted me to be alone with you both"Jin realised.

I said "Well I am the closest age to (Y/n) so I think I should have her. You both can find other girls" Taehyung argued "Didn't you just see me on top of her right now? She likes me not you so I should have her!" "Now, she's a human being not a toy. You can just claim her yours, she has to return one of our feelings" Jin told us both pointing out our immaturity to the situation.

"Anyway, Jimin already knows about my feelings to her. You both should tell him too and see what he thinks" Me and Taehyung were about to answer back when Jin said "I am your oldest hyung and I am telling you both to tell your Jimin hyung about your feelings!" Taehyung leaves the room with a blank expression as I follows him.

(Y/n) was talking with Jimin and it hit me that I would have to ask her to leave again when Jin came and asked Jimin "Jimin, Jungkook and Tae have something they would like to tell you" he looked to
(Y/n) asking, "Would you like to here more of my jokes (Y/n)?" "Yes please JinJin" she chirped out happily as Jin led her away from us.

When we told Jimin all he had to say to us is "Well, since the three of you have a crush on her, why don't you let her decide? Get to know her better and see if you actually do and it's not just a friendly love" after a moment he said again, "If any of you do anything to hurt or confuse her with what she feels so help me" stopping himself before he was going to say something he might regret. I walked back to my room thinking about what I should do when I saw (Y/n)'s perfect smile that melted me

Taehyung (V) POV
When Jimin had finished talking I sat down thinking about how much fun I was having with (Y/n) 10 minutes ago, her smile came across my mind and I got a warm feeling inside. I had to figure out how to show her I love her the most.

"So (Y/n), what do you call a sad cup of coffee?" I asked her the joke, she thought about it for a bit then answered, "I don't know, what?" Truly interested to know what the punch line would be. I smiled at her and said "A depresso" she laughed and said "I love your jokes Oppa Jin, where do you get them?" "They all come from here" I pointed to my head. She gave me a wide smile that showed off her beautiful teeth the made me feel determined to show her my love.

Third person POV
As (Y/n) kept flashing that pretty little smile of hers to Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin, she didn't know what lied ahead. The three boys held her dear in their hearts and she was oblivious to it. She was so clueless that it would seem as if she was toying with there emotions. She was going to have to hurt two hearts later on, but now, she will remain oblivious to their emotions.

A/n, no lie but Jin's jokes give me strength every morning 😂

Can we just take a minute to appreciate Jin, his jokes and his shoulders 👏👏

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Can we just take a minute to appreciate Jin, his jokes and his shoulders 👏👏

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now