Why i haven't been updating

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I'm sorry it's been over a month and I still haven't updated, but I have a few reasons and I would appreciate if you listened to them because 2 people dmed me about my lack of updates

Firstly, I'm sure you all know what an IV aka a drip is. Well on my holidays I needed to be treated with an IV for reasons that are a little personal. I have been feeling really sick and I have lost weight about it also so I don't have much will to do anything

 I have been feeling really sick and I have lost weight about it also so I don't have much will to do anything

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If you don't believe me you can say it so I will show more pictures.

Secondly, my secondary school started on the 25th and since I'm a 1st year student, this is all kinda confusing for me. The journey is a confusing one so I need to pay attention to my surroundings or else I can get lost take example today when I got off 5 stops late ;-;.

Thirdly I had a few fights with my oldest brother who lives in Uzbekistan (second oldest lives there now cri) he made a few scandals and that has just kinda depressed me

And lastly, my phone is being taken a lot now because like usual my father doesn't really trust me with it.

I'm sorry, really am but I'm just really struggling right now with my physical and mental health.

P.S, I have a headache half the time now (joys ;-;) so I would appreciate it if maybe someone dmed me some ideas for this book <3

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now