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(Y/n) POV
For the past week I had just been resting in Jungkooks bed. It's been a quiet week, Jimin coming in to give me food so i wouldn't need to walk and sometimes Hoseok, Yoongi or Namjoon would come in to have a conversation.

I have to wear a turtle neck now so no one can see the marks on my neck and shoulders from Taehyung, at least they faded a bit. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him, Jungkook or Jin all week. I sighed and put down the magazine I was looking at. Puffing out my cheeks and loudly announced "Im bored" hoping someone would come to my rescue. No response like usual.

I sat up looking for my crutch that was just slightly under the bed. Grabbing it I limped out the room to hear music and Namjoon doing A girl group dance that's for sure and everyone just sitting around him laughing.

"Em, cough cough?" I sarcastically coughed to get attention but failed as I was still unnotice. I let go of my crutch and stood on my good leg "Ahh, I'm falling ahhh!" I shouted looking for attention.

"(Y/n) go back to bed you need to rest" Jimin ordered as I pouted and whined like a child "But I don't wanna! You've been making me stay in that room all week laying down on that bed and I think I'm getting bed sores! Just let me stay here for a little bit, please"

They all just shrugged but Namjoon stood up for me "oh let her stay, she can join in on my dance hahaha" he turned the music louder and continued dancing. He was dancing to the song Up Down Up Down by EXID as I tried to as well with my cast.

They all went back to laughing while me and Namjoon continued. It was fun, till I fell anyway. I thankfully landed on my hands holding myself up from the ground but had still hurt my leg. I hissed at the pain and sat down properly with my head tossed back at the pain.

"(Y/n) careful! I told you just to stay in bed" Jimin lightly scolded. I put a smile on my face telling him I was fine as I proceeded to ask what they were doing.
"Playing truth or dare, would you like to join?" Hoseok asked as I nodded my head viggerously.

Sitting between Jimin and Hoseok, Namjoon asked Taehyung "Truth or Dare?" Taehyung looked like a blank slate as he answered softly "Dare" Namjoon dared "Mm, I dare you to get in your underwear and do aegyo"

"Do I have too?"


Taehyung mumbled a few curses and stripped to his underwear. I looked off to every other direction since it wasn't really appropriate to watch a male strip down. When he did he said in an extremely high pitched voice curling his hands "Aya hyung why did I have to do this" and squished his face together. A few of the members giggled while Jungkook cackled like a hyena and Jin laughed like windshield wipers.

Taehyung dressed himself and sat down again "(Y/n), truth or dare?" I pondered on what I should chose and went with truth "Well, give us honest opinions on everyone in the circle"

I lifted my eyebrows and shrugged it off "Well, Jimin is my brother so he is really caring for me. Hoseok is my main hoe and is my hope and our angel. Namjoon is dance monster to me. Yoongi is just an old savage, rapping granpa." I looked at them to see what they thought of my opinions, they seemed happy expect Namjoon but hey, he just finished dancing how could I not. "Anyway, Jin is like my oldest brother and mother at the same time. Jungkook is a lil baby boy even if he is older than me and I thought he was sacred of girls. And you, well" thinking for a moment, "sound so old when you sing when in reality you're like a 3 year old haha"

Jungkook looked annoyed when I called him baby boy, Jin faked a smile and Taehyung remained a blank slate.

"Yoongi, truth or dare?"
"I'll take truth"

"......Is YoonMin REAL?" I boldly asked "What type of question is that? I dunno. Hoseok Truth or Dare"

I whispered "It is real" as the game continued. After around an hour I had to take my pain killers and go rest. Downing the little white pill I made my way back to bed, turned off the light and snuggled into the pillow.

I was half asleep when I heard the door open and lock "Tut Tut little (Y/n), I didn't like the opinion you gave about me earlier." A sturn voice said as I tried to make out who it was.

"For what you said about me, you will be punished sweetheart"

A/n expect a slight lemon in the next one hehe. I'll hopefully get 2 more chaps out before the 30th because I'm heading out to Kazakhstan to see my fam, so after the 30th, don't expect a chapter until the 25 of August. Lizanna, may you burn for your sin's

And may I, 13 year old Vivienne, burn also

This is my religion now

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now