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(Y/n) POV
It was the afternoon and still heavily raining outside as I stared out the window watching the rain drops. Since it was bad weather today, Jimin had promised to bring me out tomorrow if it was a nice out. I agreed, understanding where he was coming from but still slightly disappointed.

Jin had apparently noticed me looking upset and he asked, "Ah, (Y/n), would you like to play a joke with me on the other members?" I smiled at his kindness and nodded my head. He had explained that he was going to make a group chat because he needed to tell all the other members something 'important', when in reality, he needed to tell a new joke and wanted someone to tell one with him.

We snuck into a closet and got our phones out for the chat.  Jin texted the punch line of the joke 'An inpasta' as Yoongi got extremely annoyed because he was napping and the chat notifications woke him. To try and lighten the mood I pulled out a JimIN JimOUT joke but it didn't help. When we were asked if we planned this Jin had accidentally reveled we were hiding in a closet.

(Y/n): Hallo :3

Jimin: Hi

Namjoon: what's up

(Y/n): nothing really

Jungkook: who started the chat?

Jin: me!

Yoongi: why am I getting so many notifications ._.

(Y/n): em, Yoon weren't you napping?

Yoongi: I was, but then Jin decided to make this chat ;-;

Jin: it's important!

Namjoon: why?

Jimin: did something happen?

Jin: no I'm fine, I just needed to ask you all something

(Y/n): what is it?

Jin: Well..

Yoongi: hurry up man, I'm fucking tired

Namjoon: yeah Jin, some of us were doing important things

Jungkook: guys, just let Jin say what he needs to say

Jin: what do you call a fake noodle?

Jimin: really Jin?

Yoongi: THE HELL


Jungkook: this is what you needed to tell us?

Namjoon: I like black noodles

Jin: an INPASTA hehehe

Yoongi: ;-; I'm going to kill you when I see you

Me: hahaha! Once you JimIN to the dad jokes, you can't JimOUT

Jin: good one lol

Jungkook: did you both set this up?

Me: maybe lol

Jin: we did, it was worth hiding in the closet for 20 minutes for this haha

Me: crap Jin ;-;

Yoongi: ;)

Yoongi (Suga) POV
I was enjoying a little afternoon nap when I was woken up by my phone going off with notifications. I grabbed my phone and checked what woke me to see it was a group chat made by Jin. I asked why this was needed but all I got was 'this is something important'. After a minute everyone found out by Jin's important was his lame ass dad jokes.

(Y/n) was the only one who found his joke funny but I think it was just because she got to crack one too. When Jin accidentally said they were in the closet I jumped off my bed, stomped to his closet and practically ripped the doors open to only see clothes.

"Jin, (Y/n) where the fuck are you both!?" I shouted as I ran to check the closets of Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Namjoon and Taehyung. I didn't see them but I found Taehyung's phone that was missing for days. I stopped to think where I didn't check and realised 'Those shits are hiding in my closet -_-' I quietly got the handles and opened the doors fast as lightning "I FOUND YOU BOTH"

Me and (Y/n) snickered at how long it was taking Suga to find us. There was barely any light in the closet, the only light sources coming from our phone screens. I could see her smile and the twinkle in her eyes as she was having fun with this joke when all of a sudden Suga opened the door screaming "I FOUND YOU BOTH" He dragged me out and asked why did we wake him for my dumb joke.

"Yooni, it was only a joke. Me and JinJin where have just trying to have fun, we didn't mean to upset you~" (Y/n) said sweetly and bowed her head down a bit. She looked so cute as she did that but Suga scoffed and said "He's always tryna wake me up. Jin, come with me. (Y/n), go to Taehyung he's too busy to care about what's going to happen" She was about to protest but I reassured her that I would be fine.

Taehyung POV
I was playing one of my video games when someone knocked on my door, "Mm? Come in" I called out knowing it would be (Y/n) since no one ever bothers to knock. "H-Hi TaeTae, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked closings the door and looking at the screen "Just playing a video game. Would you like to try?" She nodded as I handed her the controller. When the game started it ended instantly since she didn't know what to do. She tried again and again but the game continued to end.

"Ha! (Y/n) your so bad at this, would you like me to teach you?" "Em, yes please TaeTae" she gave back the controller with an embarrassed look. After 5 minutes of explaining she got the hang of it. "Thank you Tae Oppa! This is fun" she exclaimed while she was playing, I just smiled at her and admired her as she played.

As Suga dragged me to the living room a few other members took interest of what was about to happen. "Explain now why you woke me" Suga crossed his arms with a pissed expression. "Me and (Y/n) just played a little joke. It was funny, for us anyway." I truthfully told him. He kept giving me this glare, like he wanted another answer.

"And why did you play the joke with her and not just by yourself" "Because she seemed bored and upset" "Why did you care?" "She's a lovely girl and very nice too, how could I not?" "Do you have a crush on her?" He smirked "...can I go now?" I asked not wanting to answer the question. "Just say you do, then you can" I nodded my head slightly looking at the floor when Hoseok shouted "Wop wop shoulder God has a crush on Jimin jr hahaha" the others laughed and made a few comments while Jungkook just sat there looking blank.

I thought to myself 'Well this is going to be hard keeping a secret'

A/n im so nice to reader lol.  ! And JinJin looks so cute in that picture,I'm gonna die

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now