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(Y/n) POV
As we all walked for a bit, I noticed Taehyung and Hoseok whispering about something. "TaeTae, Hobi, what are you both talking about?" I asked curiously. "Mm, TaeTae? Really
(Y/n)? Why not V" Taehyung laughed at me "Because I feel like it, m'kay TaeTae?" We both laughed as he nudged me with his elbow. "What were you both talking about?" I went back to originally why I disturbed their conversation, "Nothing~" Taehyung answered back sweetly

"Hobi, you'll tell me won't you?" I asked again with big puppy eyes, "V is just going on about how big and pretty you have gotten
(Y/n)" Hoseok sniggered at me, as I got red and went back to Jimin.

"Oh (y/n), which foods do you like again? We're getting food to bring back to our dorm" Jimin looked to me "Well, I like ramen, can we get loads please?" I answered and smiled. Jimin nodded his head and went to get the food with Taehyung and Hoseok.

He left my suitcase with me so I sat on it since I was a bit tired. "(Y/n), can I sit with you?" Jin asked me, trying to be friendly. "Of course JinJin" I say and move over a small bit so he can sit comfortably.

"Hey, I wanna sit I'm tired too" Yoongi whines and tries to squish his butt on the suitcase. "So do I, Suga  move your butt" Namjoon complains and tries to get on. As Namjoon and Yoongi battle to get on, Jin and I struggle to actually stay on and Jungkook joins in and tries to get everyone to stop. With a bang the suitcase falls to the floor accompanied by me and Jin on top while Yoongi and Namjoon bicker about who's fault it is.

Jungkook helps Jin and I from the floor and asks
"(Y/n), are you not hurt?" "Ah, I'm fine just someone stepped on my foot. Thank you for helping me up" I answer leaning on my left foot since my right one was sore. Jungkook puts the suitcase standing again and tells me, "Here sit back up and rest your foot. I won't let Suga Hyung or Namjoon Hyung try and get on" he smiles at me as I sit.

When Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok come back with the food in bags Taehyung asked "Did we miss something?" Seeing me and Jungkook so close to each other, Namjoon and Yoongi still arguing and Jin facepalming thinking 'Why am I the mother of these children'. I answer "Not a thing TaeTae" as I carefully get off my suitcase not to hurt my foot.

"Alright, let's go home" Jimin takes my suitcase before I get a chance too "Hey, Oppa, gimme that back" "No, now don't try to argue" Jimin answers firmly. "Jeez, okay Jimeanie" I giggle at the new nickname I came up with for Jimin. "(Y/n), do you want to walk with me?" Jungkook asks, "Sure, Kookie" I links his arm and we all make our way to the dorms.

A/N, oml dieing at 'Jimeanie' 😂 So what have we learned so far? Kookie may or may not like  reader and maybe does TaeTae *wink wink*

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now