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(Y/n) POV
I sat awaiting everyone in the main room since i was dressed in my striped (colour) and (colour) fitted shirt and a (colour) mini skirt reaching around mid thigh.

Jimin was the first to be ready as he sat down beside me. He snickered while asking "So were does my little (Y/n) want to go? She seemed so determined to get us awake in the morning just to go out it must have been important"

I punched his shoulder playfully as he already knew why.

Third person POV
(Y/n) sat on a small old bench in a park she was supposed to meet her brother Jimin in. She looked to be the sweetest thing with her white shorts with a pink and yellow oversized bunny sweater, her hair styled curly and in low pigtails. As she saw her brother approching she immediately ran towards him as the girl gave a toothy smile showing off shinning braces.

Throwing her arms over the boys shoulders hugging him tight she said "I missed you Oppa! Have you been well?" As she noticed 6 other males behind them. "I've been good, I've missed you too" As Jimin saw (Y/n) looking at the other boys "oh im sorry (Y/n) ah for not telling you they were also going to come" Jimin apologized as the younger girl cowarded behind him as the 6 eyed her.

"Who's the pipsqueak?" Jungkook bodly questioned "Shhh Kookie, she might be your noona!" Namjoon joked as the rest laughed. (Y/n) decided to speak up "Ah, I am Park (Y/n)!" as she bent down being respectful to the olders. "Ha! You're so small" Hoseok giggled "And innocent looking" Yoongi added.

"How old are you?" Taehyung asked

"Oh, um im 14"

"You look 10"

"Ah, maybe because-"

"Why are you so short?"

"Im still gro-"

"Why do you need braces?"

"My teeth are cro-"

"Your hair looks like dog ears"

"Well i thought it looked-"

"So nerdy hahaha"

"Hey, thats not n-"

"Im so much better looking than you i mean im worldwide handsome"

(Y/n) heard multiple comments from all of them and felt quite insecure about herself at that moment.
*End of Flashback*

I wanted to show them i wasn't a nerdy little dog with braces anymore. Looking back, I thought I looked nice and  appropriate but oh well, you know boys will just randomly decide to throw your self esteem out of a window sometimes ;-;.

*Le Time Skip Because Once Again Auther Nim Is Lazy*

As we walked through the streets of Seoul supposed to be seeing sights i mostly forced them to go shopping with me. We'll not exactly 'force' just kindly command them to go into specific shops were they held 3-5 racks of clothes each because i was in need of clothes.

"(Y/n)ah, this would look pretty on you" Jungkook held up a black lace see through shirt with small hearts covering the middle of my breast. I, aswell as the others looked at him in shock as he said that so straight forward with Jimin standing no further than a meter away.

Jin broke the silence and told the younger "Jungkook, dont joke about those things as (Y/n) might feel uncomfortable"

Jungkook mumbled an apology as I continued to look for clothes when Jin decided to suggest something also "Hey look at these pretty shorts" he held silver shorts, at the length I didn't know could count as shorts, with gold and black butterflies on them. I politely shook my head to him and explained "They are so very petty, but the colours aren't exactly my still Eomma Jin" He smiled and put them back.

After about 10 more minutes it seemed that Taehyung  wanted to show me some clothes too "What about this (Y/n)?" As he showed me a beige shirt with white letters reading 예쁜 meaning pretty. I liked how it looked so i was prepared to say yes but Jimin cut in "Come on (Y/n) this getting tiring" obviously annoyed with the two with their terrible sense in female fashion and one that he thought was being flirtatious.

Nodding my head in embarrassment I went to go pay for the shirt Taehyung suggested and a few other items I had picked.

When we got out from the shop Jimin took charge of where we were going to go next. He decided to bring us to a small restaurant. We all sat down as Jin tried to sit next to me with Taehyung on the other side while Jungkook was being lectured by Namjoon for acting thirsty and the next time he felt like that to ask for a video on Namjoons phone.

"Jin Hyung, could you please change seats with me so i can sit beside
(Y/n)?" Jimin asked kindly. Jin couldn't argue seeing as Jimin was my brother and he wanted to sit near his sister.

I decided to order teokbokki since i hadn't eaten it for a while. As the food was being prepared I excused myself from the table to go to the bathroom. After a minute of slowly looking for a restroom I got the courage to ask a member of the staff. The man told me there was one upstairs as i thanked him and rushed to it.

As I was going back down the stairs I hadn't seen there was a wet part as I slipped down. I had tumbled down the stairs and once my face hit the wet floor, everyone by now had their eyes on me.

"(Y/n)! What happened?" Hoseok asked with wide eyes as he aswell as the other boys rushed to my aid. "I-i fell down th-the stairs" I stuttered as i began to cry at a throbbing pain in my leg.

A/N, yep a video on Namjons phone for the oh so thirst JungleCock 😏
Viruses everywhere
Those Viruses infire me

//EDITING//Big Brother|| Jimin X Reader X TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now