Chapter 6

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As a result of Anita's phone call, Aditya and Vishal reached the mall, fifteen minutes after five. He was just dialing his phone to call Anjali and ask her about her whereabouts when he noticed her. He quickened his steps, but in the next moment stopped in his tracks. He was shocked to see Anjali talking and laughing with a man.

Not just any man, but a very well known architect Anish Mistry, whom Mehta Constructions will be working with soon. He wondered how Anjali knew Anish.

When Vishal noticed that Aditya had stopped walking alongside him, he looked behind him to see what had caught Aditya's interest. He noticed his cousin was starring in distance, and turned to see what he was looking at and was also shocked to see Anjali talking to Anish.

What surprised Vishal was that Anjali appeared relaxed and her smile was affectionate. His sister-in-law had seemed sad in last few months, and he knew why, and hadn't known how to help her, but now seeing her like this made him happy.

He turned and walked back to his cousin. "Bhai, are you ok?" He knew his brother and sister-in-law's relations were strained, but his and cousin's relations have also seen the distance that was not there before.

Just then Anjali turned and saw them walking towards her, her smile dimmed instantly, seeing Aditya's scowl.

Anish noticed the Mehtas walking towards them and turned to Anjali. "Do you know them?"

Before she could reply, Hina and Ramila joined her, and on the other side Anish's mom and sister-in-law also arrived. Anjali's smiled widened when she saw the new arrivals. She rushed to Ketki Mistry, bent and took her blessing and then hugged her tight. She then turned to Anish's sister-in-law, Sudha and greeted her also.

Mehta family looked on at the exchange with confusion on their faces. They all wondered how Anjali knew the Mistrys. She turned towards her family. "Maa, this is Ketki aunty, my aunt Shanti's, sister-in-law, her elder daughter in-law Sudha and her younger son Anish."

She then turned and introduced her family to Ketki. Anish smiled at Aditya and Vishal. "Anjali, I already know your husband and brother-in-law, we will be working together soon."

Anjali turned back to Keti and spoke with bit of nostalgia in her voice. "Aunty, how is my Kakima doing, and when did you come back?"

Ketki smiled at Anjali and caressed her head. "Your Kakima is fine and she misses you a lot. We came back six months ago, and your Kakima is coming back soon also. I will tell her I saw you and will let you know when she comes back so you can come see her. Anjali's eyes became wet with tears at the thought of the person who raised her until she turned sixteen. She discreetly wiped the tears from her eyes and turned back towards her family.

She was about to ask Ketki what they were doing at the mall when they heard a loud voice from behind them. "Anjali, what are you doing here?" Anjali turned with surprise and watched as her aunt and cousin Riya rushed towards them. Besides her Ketki also stiffened as Urmila came towards them.

Ramila gritted her teeth, while Hina smiled. "Urmilaben, what are you doing here?"

Urmila eyed Anjali with glee on her face, and thought perfect. "Woh, Ramilaben, my Raj had sent money for Riya to get Rakshabandan gift, and she did not want to wait, so we came to shop for what she wants." She turned to Anjali with a calculating look. "Did you also receive your gift, is that why you are here also?" Seeing the pain on Anjali's face made her day. Thank god her son Dhaval had called and informed her that he had heard Vishal talking with his father about the shopping trip. She didn't want to miss the opportunity to taunt Anjali and also show off her daughter to Hina and Vishal.

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