Chapter 28

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As Mehta family continued with the wedding preparations, Nick stepped up his plan for revenge. He knew exactly when he was going to strike and Aditya won't have a clue as to what hit him.

Aditya on the other hand had kept an eye on Nick since the day he cornered Anjali. He knew Nick was up to something. Unfortunately for him the information he sought had just landed on his desk when he received the call that turned his world upside down.

He made himself calm down and think, first he called Raj and told him to go to Mehta House as soon as possible. Next he called his security head Vijay to come to the office right away. He opened his laptop and pulled up the program that would locate Anjali's cell phone via GPS. He hoped and prayed the phone was still on her.

While the program searched for the phone, Aditya opened the file that contained all the information on Nick. He needed to think. Where could he have his hired goons take Anjali?

An hour later he walked into to Mehta House to see his family gathered in the hall, with varying worried expressions. His sister Kajal was crying. When she saw him, she rushed to him.

"Bhai, I am so sorry. I tried to help but I didn't know where they came from and before I knew it, they pushed bhabhi in the car and drove away." He put his arm around his sister to calm her.

"Kajal calm down. Nothing is going to happen to Anjali. You already gave the police all the information. I am waiting for my security. We are going to find her. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to her." The whole family had gathered around him. He managed to calm them down and made his way to his room.

Once there the memories assaulted him and he lost control of all his senses and broke down. He swore that if Nick so much as scratched Anjali, he will kill him with his bare hands. He wanted to put his fist through the wall but controlled his emotions. Once he has Anjali back home safe, he will make sure that Nick Malhotra is punished sufficiently.

By the time he went back down, his security people had all arrived. Aditya and Raj went over the plans with everyone. The place they were going was out of city in a remote location. It was an old factory that was shut down years ago. This is where the GPS system had located Anjali's cell phone.

He glanced at his family one last time before he went out the door.


Anjali tried to wiggle her hands to see is she could loosen the knots on the rope tied to her wrist. She didn't know where she was, or how long ago she was brought here. Her eyes were covered with dark cloth and her hand and legs were tied. She felt the dusty floor under her.

Anjali and Kajal had been coming out of a shop when Anjali was grabbed by two men and shoved into a car. She had looked behind her to make sure Kajal was okay. One of the goons had then tied the dark cloth around her eyes and when she asked them what they wanted from her they had remained silent. That was hours ago. She was getting desperate now.

She heard the faint sounds of footsteps and turned her head towards the sound. "Who is there?" No one answered but the sound got louder then she felt someone stop in front of her. The next thing she knew, the cloth was removed. She blinked several times to focus and was shocked to see Nick standing in front of her. He had a smirk on his face but his eyes didn't look focused.

"Nick, what is the meaning of this, why did you bring me here?" She glared up at him.

Nick laughed and bent to untie the rope at her ankles. "Don't worry Anjali. You will find out soon why I brought you to this remote place." He tried to touch her face but she moved away from him.

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