Chapter 10

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Anjali was in her room checking the puja list making sure she has purchased all the items on the list. She had already giftwrapped Kajal's gifts and hid them in her wardrobe.

"Bhabhi?" She looked up when Kajal came in the room. "What are you doing?" She came and sat next to Anjali.

She put the list aside. "I was just checking the puja list to be sure we purchased everything on our shopping trip. So tell me, what can I do for you?"

Kajal gave her a serious look. "Hmm.....I can't come talk to my bhabhi just because I want to?"

Anjali laughed. "Of course you can, but I just left you little while ago, and you didn't say anything then, so tell me what's wrong?"

"I will tell you in a minute, but there was something else I wanted to ask you first."

Anjali smiled at her sister-in-law, thinking Kajal wanted to know what her brothers' has gotten her for rakhi. "Are you still upset with bhai over what happened that night?"

She was taken aback by Kajal's question, she got up and made a restless movement, trying to figure out how to answer without making Aditya look bad in his sister's eyes. She had noticed the night before, the siblings were back on even footings, they were back to the way they were when she first came into the house. She didn't want to tip the balance of their relationship again. Brother and sister relationships are sacred and nothing or no one should be able to come between them.

"Bhabhi nothing you say to me will effect how I feel about bhai, we have reached a truce, I know bhai hurt you, but I also know he feels bad about it now, and I completely understand if you are still upset with him." Kajal stood up and went to stand next to her bhabhi.

Anjali sighed. "Kajal, he didn't trust me, how can I not be upset with him? I know he feels bad about that night, but its hard for me to put my trust in him now, what will he do next time?"

"He might surprise you the next time, if there is ever a situation like that again, but I would doubt that he would ever leave you alone and vulnerable like that again." Kajal spoke quietly.

Anjali just shook her head.

Kajal watched her bhabhi intently for a moment as if trying to figure out what is going through her mind. "What will you do? Are you planning on leaving him and Mehta House?"

Anjali looked away feeling guilty. Kajal took her back to bed and sat her down. "Bhabhi, just think about this for moment. Is this what you really want to do?" When she started to answer her, Kajal stopped her. "Just listen to me for a moment. If you leave, mom will be devastated, she loves you like a daughter, and beside what explanation will you give to her and the family? Every one loves you, and they think you and bhai have a normal marriage, neither one of you have indicated that there is any problems between the two of you. Do you really want to be alone? Do you not want to give it one more chance and see if this time you will get everything you ever wished for, especially bhai, whom you have loved for a long time?"

Anjali thought about Kajal's words, it was nothing different from what she had been thinking, but coming from someone else, especially from someone who knew all about Anjali and Aditya's relationship, it made a bigger impact. "I really don't know what to do Kajal."

"Bhabhi, I am not saying decide right now, I am just saying think about it, there are other people involved, how it will effect everyone. And besides bhai really wants to make it up to you now and work on your relationship, why not give it a chance? Just think about it." Kajal gave her a pleading look.

Anjali nodded her head. "I won't do anything yet, and think about it. So tell me what else you wanted to say to me."

Kajal twisted her hands nervously, she didn't know if her bhabhi is going to be able to help her, but she didn't know who else to ask. She couldn't tell her mom directly, so she will have to ask her bhabhi to do it. Kajal cleared her throat. "Well actually I want to introduce you to someone."

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