Chapter 27

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Next morning when Aditya woke up he knew he was alone in the bed before he even opened his eyes. His wife, it seems, was in a rush to be out of the room this morning. He too got out of bed quickly to get ready for the day.

When he came down, he went straight to the kitchen. He stopped at the door, crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe and just watched his wife cooking breakfast and singing softly.

Today she was in a very pretty blue sari, with matching bangles that made musical sounds as she worked. His eyes dropped down to her waist and noticed the waist chain there, and thought, "Who could resist that?"

He walked up to her quietly and wrapped his arms around her to hug her. "Why did you leave before I could wake up?" He gave her a light kiss on the side of her neck.

Anjali sighed when she felt his arms around her and his husky voice in her ear. "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't have the heart to wake you. You don't get to sleep in everyday." She turned in his arms to look up at him.

Aditya returned her smile and bent to kiss her softly on the lips. "Good morning!" Holding her in front of him, with his hands at her waist, playing with the chain.

"Good morning, now go sit down, I will bring you your tea and breakfast." She pushed him towards the dining room. He left reluctantly, making her smile.

They had a quiet breakfast, just talking, about nothing in particular. After breakfast, Aditya showered and changed in to his dressy trousers and blue striped shirt. She made him go to his study to do his work, she didn't want him to distract her while she was doing her household chores.

The day moved quickly, by the time Anjali went back to start lunch it was noon already. She glanced outside through the kitchen window to see day had turned grey and dreary. It looked like it would rain soon. She made her way outside to remove the clothes from the clothesline before it started raining, forgetting all about lunch.

Aditya was in his study, only half paying attention to the files in front of him. His mind kept wandering back towards Anjali. He sighed and dropped the pen on the desk. If only she hadn't insisted he try to do some work while she finished the household chores. He glanced at the clock. He was going to give her few more minutes then he was going to make her sit with him to watch a movie or may be sketch something for him.

He glanced out the window to see that it had started to rain. He got up to close the window in the study. He then made his way out in the hall. He glanced in the kitchen to see if she was there but frowned when he didn't see her.

He was just going out to look for her when he remembered she had gone out to put the clothes on clothesline earlier. He turned and made his way towards the terrace. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Anjali trying to get the clothes and in the process was getting wet in the rain.

He couldn't help staring at the picture she made, wet in the rain. Her hair was plastered to her head, with some tendrils sticking to her soft cheeks. Her sari had become very transparent and clinging to her curves, leaving nothing to imagination. Aditya started walking towards her as if in trance, ignoring the fact that he was also getting wet in the rain. Anjali turned just as he was extending his arm to tap her on the shoulder.

Anjali turned to go back in the house but stopped when she saw Aditya standing in front of her. She was surprised at first then noticed the look in his eyes and shivered, not from cold, but the desire she saw burning behind the dark eyes.

She stared back at him, with the same burning need. His shirt was plastered to his chest and bulging biceps, his trousers were clinging to his muscular thighs.

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