Chapter 19

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Next few days passed in frenzy of getting ready for Kajal's engagement. They hired caterers and decorators for the party. They decided to keep the event at Mehta House instead of another venue. Although everything was set, there were invitations to send out, and shopping for Kajal and rest of the ladies in the house. They wanted to fulfill every wish that Kajal might have, as she is the only daughter of the house.

Meanwhile Aditya was busy trying to set a trap for the person causing the problems for the company and helping with engagement preparations. Each day he would come home really tired, but as soon as he saw Anjali all his tiredness vanished. He was still making her pay back for keeping Kajal's truth from him. He found ways to extract his revenge in the most unusual places.

On this particular day he found her in the kitchen trying to reach for a bowl in the top shelf of the cabinet, presenting him with a perfect opportunity to trap her against the counter. He sneaked up behind her and reached for the bowl before her hands could touch it.

Anjali gasped in surprise when she felt someone behind her, but was immediately relieved to know it was Aditya. He put the bowl on the counter and put his hands on her waist to turn her towards him. He looked down at her with a smile. "Now you owe me a thank you for getting the bowl for you."

She raised her chin and frowned at him. "I didn't ask you to get the bowl, so I don't owe you anything." She attempted to walk away from him, but he held her tighter and trapped her against the counter. She put her hands on his chest to push him back. "Aditya stop, what are you doing? Someone will come to the kitchen and see you. You are being very bad lately." She looked around to make sure no one is around.

He put his finger on her lips to shush her, when she stopped talking, he traced her lips with his finger, making them tremble. "And whose fault is that? You my dear wife, owe me for hiding my sisters truth from me, I told you I would make you pay back."

He lifted her and sat her on the counter. He leaned close, hovering a scant inch from her mouth before his lips seized hers and he pulled her to the edge of the counter.

When she felt him fit his hips smugly between her thighs, Anjali's shock was quickly swept away beneath the aggressive possession of his mouth. She clutched at him, and the sharp desire she felt wrung a soft moan from her.

Just when she thought she might not survive the dizzying wonder of his mouth and now his hands, Aditya began to temper the kiss. Far too soon, his mouth shifted off hers and his arms closed even more tightly around her, bringing her off the counter and in his arms.

He was trembling, and she felt a stir of feminine power. His heart was beating even harder than hers, and it pounded them both. He pressed his lips fervently into her hair then nuzzled her neck for several-breath stealing moments more before he started to pull away.

"Ease up on me, sweetheart," he said hoarsely. "At least until we are alone in our room."

He studied her flushed face then his gaze lifted to her hair before dropping back down to her kiss-swollen lips.

"Anjali!" Aditya and Anjali sprang apart when they heard Ramila calling for Anjali. Aditya moved away from her as far as he could, and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped from her lips at the panicked look on his face.

Ramila walked into the kitchen to see her daughter-in-law flushing and giggling while her son had a panicked look on his face, but was glaring at Anjali, who was attempting to keep from laughing. She just shook her head at her son, he was completely smitten with his wife, and she thanked god that everything was going well for her son and daughter-in-law. "Aditya, what are you doing in the kitchen again? Don't tell me you are trying to talk Anjali into making Gulab Jamun again. Haven't you had enough? I think she made them about three times since your accident." She hid a smile at her son's embarrassed look.

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