Chapter 18

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Half-hour later the Mehta family walked up the temple steps and waited for their special guests. Anjali couldn't help but smile at her family's nervousness, specially her mother-in-law and Kajal. She glanced at Aditya, who was not happy with her for keeping everything so classified. When they were in the car, he had murmured to her that he would pay her back for keeping things from him. She had just given him a cheeky smile, and replied back, she wasn't scared at all. He had watched her intently for few moments and replied, you should be.

She felt Kajal squeeze her arm when the other family arrived. Anjali smiled, as her Kakima was first to reach them. She went to her kakima and hugged her. She turned quickly to see Aditya's reaction when she saw Anish walk up the steps and greet him and the family. His expression was surprise then happiness at seeing whom his sister had chosen for life partner. She felt Kajal relax next to her. She was happy to see everyone approve of the relationship. She felt her brother's arm go around her, she looked up at him and grinned.

He smiled back at her. "You did good, everyone is very happy. And this is a very happy coincidence for you also." Raj was very proud of his sister, and it made him happy to see her so happy with Aditya and Mehta family.

Anjali watched as Aditya walked towards her. At first she couldn't tell if he was upset with her or not, but she knew he wouldn't get upset over this. "Uh oh, you didn't tell him." She heard her bhai mumble to her quietly. She just smiled at him. "He is pretending to be upset with me."

Aditya stopped in front of them. He turned to Raj and greeted him. He then turned to Anjali. "You are so going to pay for this little surprise." He grinned when she flushed. She was saved from saying anything when his mom called them for pooja.

After the pooja finished, both families asked the pujari (pries)to match the Kundali(astrology chart) and give a good date for engagement. Both side of the family was elated when the he announced that it was a good match, there wouldn't be any problems. He then gave them an engagement date. It was to take place in two weeks time. Both families agreed to have the engagement, but wanted more time to prepare for the wedding. It was then decided that the Mistrys' would come over to Mehta House in two days time to discuss the details.

It was a very delighted Mehta family that walked back into Mehta House later that night. Everyone was very excited at the alliance of Kajal and Anish. Anjali watched as her mother-in-law talked to Hina auntie with excitement about the engagement.

"It would be great if we could find good alliance for our Vishal also. We should marry Kajal and send her to her in laws, and bring another daughter-in-law in this house in her place."

Anjali hid a smile at Vishal's panicked look. "Auntie me? Um..I am not yet ready to marry, what's the hurry?"

She moved next to him and whispered close to him. "You should tell them you already have someone picked out."

Vishal gave her a side way look. "Bhabhi, its nothing like that, we are just friends."

They both looked towards the family who had gotten real quiet all of a sudden. Aditya broke the silence. "What are you two talking about so quietly?"

"Nothing bhai, bhabhi is just teasing me and trying to talk me into getting married, because after Kajal leaves she won't have anyone to shop with." Aditya didn't believe him for a minute, but let it go. He would get Anjali to tell him later.

Later that night Anjali was waiting for Aditya, when she started thinking about Vishal's reaction to talk of his marriage. She knew he was hiding something. He has been quiet the last two days. She hadn't even caught him talking on the phone lately. She wondered what happened to him and made a mental note to talk to him soon.

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