Chapter 23

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He felt Anjali tug on his hand again. "What are you thinking about?" 

He turned to her. 'Revenge,' when she looked at him questioningly, he grinned at her. "Never mind, I am thinking I want to dance with my wife, so what do you say, want to dance with me?" He dragged her to the dance floor before she could answer him.

He pulled reluctant Anjali to dance floor. He took her in the corner of the dance floor away from prying eyes and where the lights were dimmer. He put his arms around her waist, She automatically put her arms around his neck but felt uncomfortable. She felt as though everyone was watching them only. He pulled her closer, holding her tighter and looked down at her. "Relax, no one is watching us, it's just you and me, forget everything else, just enjoy yourself."

She smiled up at him. How can she tell him that she enjoyed every moment that she spent with him, no matter where they were or what they were doing.

Aditya didn't think he could hold out much longer, especially after seeing her in this sari tonight. In fact he didn't want to wait anymore, his whole being was luring him towards being one with her. He pulled her closer to him, placed his mouth close to her ear and whispered in her ear. "Have I told you that you look very sexy in that sari, you have been teasing me with it all night."

She gasped at the sensual tone of his voice. She shivered and moved closer to him when she felt him caressing the exposed skin at her waist.

They both stopped dancing, and just stood frozen in one place as he realized her eyes yearned for him too. He pulled back, took her hand and walked off the dance floor. He stopped in front of Vishal, "Anjali and I are leaving, if you see our host, convey my thanks to him." When Vishal gave his consent, Aditya walked out the door with Anjali.

The evening was sultry, but uncommonly pleasant as Anjali and Aditya walked to their car. Perhaps it was the deepening twilight and lingering heat, but the air had a heaviness to it that filled her lungs and seemed to flow languidly through her bloodstream. A warm tingle spread over her skin and she felt the soft ache of what could only be desire.

By the time they arrived at the car Anjali was trembling, anticipation made her feel restless and self-conscious. Aditya stopped beside the passenger side of the car, but did not open the door. He backed her against the car cupped her face with his hands, his eyes searching hers. He brushed his lips against hers, once, twice then his mouth mated aggressively with hers. Somehow her hands holding his waist raised up his back encouraging him to deepen the kiss making it very carnal, so fiery and ravenous that she felt her head spin. She held on to his shoulders tightly. And yet she whimpered when he eased away. She was breathless, but Aditya was, too. She looked up into his face and saw fierceness about him that she now recognized as passion.

"Let's go home," she whispered softly.

He crushed her in his arms. His low words seeped through her hair and heated the shell of her ear. "There is something I want to give you." He eased her away from him and opened the car door to help her in, once she was settled he closed the door quietly and walked around to the driver's side of the car.

They arrived to a very quiet home and walked straight to their bedroom. He closed and locked the door. He walked her to the middle of the room. "Stay right here, don't move." He dropped a quick kiss on her lips and moved around the room to dim the lights. He then moved to his wardrobe and pulled out a box, he glanced at Anjali, then took the item out of the box , closed the door and walked towards his waiting wife.

He stopped in front of her and held up a long chain. "My grandmother gave this to me to give to my wife. It was gift to my grandmother from my grandfather. I want you to wear this for me tonight."

Anjali eyed the chain, it was antic gold with scalloped double-layered strands. It was simple yet elegant. It had three tiny bells where it hooked. When she looked closely at it, it looked too long to be draped around the neck. She had seen someone where these types of chain at their waist, that's when she realized that Aditya wanted her to wear the chain at her waist.

He moved close to her. "Let me put it on you." She acknowledged with a nod. He put the chain on the bed and cupped her face to kiss her lightly. He unhooked the pin on her shoulder then removed her pallu and dropped it on the floor.

She closed her eyes in anticipation.

He moved her hair from her shoulder and gave her light kisses along her collarbone to her throat. His left hand moved to her flat stomach, he caressed her gently, moving his hand lower to remove the pleats of her sari. He slowly turned her to remove the sari completely.

Once she faced him again, he couldn't resist kissing her pouty lips. He felt her hands move to his shirt buttons, he had removed his jacket as soon as they got out of the car. Anjali slowly opened each button with trembling fingers. Aditya left her lips and trailed more moist kisses down her throat to her cleavage. He bent on his knees, reached behind her to take the chain from the bed. He kissed her flat stomach, and swirled his tongue around her navel. He reached up and untied the silky strings of her skirt, it immediately fell down and pooled at her ankles. He trailed more kisses around her stomach and waist, before bringing the chain around her waist and hooking it on the side.

He stood up and kissed her once again, fingering the chain as he caressed her stomach and waist. He lifted her slightly to bring her closer. He slowly reached behind her to untie the tassels of her blouse, then slowly moved his hands down to unhook the two tiny hooks of her blouse. He moved back slightly to remove the blouse and throw it over his shoulder then lifted her to place her on the bed, before removing his shirt and also throwing it behind him. He took a step back to take in a full view of his wife, "Anjali, I love you so much." She replied in a whisper, "I love you too, Aditya."

She reached up and wrapped her arms around him. His hard, bare skin was hot to touch. Her fingers went wild, as if they had a compulsive mind of their own and were starved to explore the resilient texture of smooth male flesh over underlying muscles and bone.

More of his weight crushed down on her and her body welcomed it. She felt his fingers graze her throat, she shivered when his broad palm skimmed her chest, but her body jerked when his hand closed over her bare breast.

Aditya increased the tender fervency of his kisses until she melted. By the time his mouth slid off hers and he kissed his way down to her breast, she was mindless. His hot mouth closed over the tip and drew gently. She couldn't help her gasp or the fact that her fingers combed shakily into his thick hair to urge him on. She breathed out, "Oh, Aditya."

Her body was no longer hers, it was his, and he orchestrated every move, every sharp gasp and every low sound of raw pleasure it made. Because he overwhelmed her with heart-staggering delights, her brain ceased to function on anything but an instinctive level.

The craving to meld with Aditya, to find some way to satisfy the desperate hungers of these escalating pleasures removed every restraint. Even when she felt spasm of pain, Anjali was so senseless with the unimagined joys of sexual intimacy and the soul-deep sense of connection to him that the pain barely registered.

As inexperienced as she was, her own body moved instinctively to his rhythm in a communication that was old as time and as new as an undiscovered star, until with an explosion of unimaginable pleasure the star burst into a million shining, scintillating fragments and she began the slow, weightless floating back to earth.

Aditya's arms still held her possessively as he buried his face against her neck. After a while he turned on his back bringing her along with him. He settled her in his arms, reached up and switched off the lights before joining her in sleep.


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