Chapter 20

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Aditya paced up and down the length of his office, he felt like throwing his phone against the wall. All the hard work, all the preparations to trap the culprit down the drain, the person didn't take the bait. Now on top of that there is news that third party is involved. He went to his desk and stood with his hands on the desk, head bowed, trying to think who it could be.

He stood up straight and rubbed the back of his neck. His Jacket has been discarded long before, his tie was loose, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. All signs of tension he has been going through throughout the day. This was not only a professional rivalry, but the person holds a personal grudge also. And now it is obvious that it is more than one person involved. He needed to inform his uncle and Vishal. He also needed to let his dad in on this, so he can keep an eye out at home.

First thing he needs to do is increase the security at home, and also someone to keep an eye out for the ladies when they are shopping. He contacted his investigator and also the private security firm he used to make all the arrangements. Once that was done, he began to think on the reports he received from the investigator. In order to find out who this newcomer is he needed to attend the party that one of his colleagues is having the next night.

His tension increased at thought of attending the party. He had to talk Anjali into going with him and the last one he talked her into had been a disaster. He didn't want to put her through the stress of facing those same people again, but it is a real close friend and he will expect Aditya to bring the whole family. While his parents, uncle, and auntie will decline to attend, he knows Vishal and Kajal will accompany them. In addition he will ask Anish and Raj also. He knows Anjali's friend and her husband will attend, so it won't be so bad.

Aditya grimaced at thought of facing Shruti, but he will have to for Anjali's sake. He never liked her, and only reason for that was she always tried to keep Anjali from him in college. He never understood why she had disliked him so much from the first meeting. He understood that she was trying to protect Anjali, but she never even gave him a chance, and of course what happened later confirmed her beliefs that he was bad for Anjali. He is just going to have to show her that he will never hurt Anjali like that again, and he loved her more than his life.

He picked up his phone and dialed Anjali's number before he could change his mind. He felt a sense of relief as soon as he heard her soft "Hello."

He smiled, "Hey sweetheart, where are you?"

Anjali had moved to a more private area as soon she heard Aditya's ring tone. "We are almost finished with Kajal's dress and will be heading home soon. What's wrong?" She knew something was wrong no matter how cheerful he tried to sound.

Aditya knew he should have waited to get home and see her instead of talking himself into calling her just to hear her voice. "Nothing is wrong, Vishal and I are about to leave, we will pick you up, tell me where you are at." He waited for her to reply, there was a few seconds of tense silence as if she wanted to say something, but changed her mind. She told him where they could be found. He told her to wait in the store for him he would be there in thirty minutes. He told her bye quickly and hung up before she could ask him anything else.

On the other side Anjali stood there for few moments in tense silence lost in thoughts. Now she knew there was something definitely wrong and she is going to make him tell him later that night. She had been patient long enough, but if he keeps stressing, it's going to affect his health. She went back to Kajal to finish shopping and to inform her that Aditya was coming to pick them up in thirty minutes.

Thirty minutes later Aditya pulled up in front of the store. He was glad he decided to bring Vishal with him. He had filled Vishal in on what's happening. Now they can both talk to his uncle that evening. He also told Vishal he may need his and Kajal's help in talking Anjali into going to the party next night.

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