Chapter 9

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Anjali hovered between reality and the dream world. She felt as though she was floating on air, but someone was preventing her from falling. She instinctly trusted this unknown person; she knew he wouldn't let her fall. When she felt herself gently being place on a soft cloud like surface, she tightened her arms around the person and muttered, "please, don't leave me."

She felt someone gently place her arms at her side and a soft kiss on her forehead. She then felt warmth surrounding her.

Next morning Anjali woke up disoriented, last thing she had remembered doing was leaning her head back in the chair to observe her husband. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she felt his heavy arm around her waist holding her tightly. She felt his warm breath on her neck. Her back was nestled to his front, his one leg thrown over hers, so she was unable to move. She realized his hand was resting on her bare stomach spanning the area from edge of her blouse to her waist. Her sari pallu was un-tucked and out of the way.

She closed her eyes to savor this moment, just last night she had been curious about being held in his arms, and now she knows. She was loath to move, but at the same time she didn't want him to wake up and see her reluctance to move.

Before she could move out of his arms, she felt him tighten his arm around her and felt him nuzzle her neck. She felt a shiver go down her spine and her heart beat increasing. She froze in place, afraid to move and waited to see if he is awake. When she felt him breathing evenly, she gave a huge sigh of relief and slowly moved out of his arms to sit on the side of the bed to get her bearings. She got up and walked towards her closet on shaky legs to get her clothes to get ready for the day.

Aditya turned on his back and opened his eyes when he heard the quiet click of the bathroom door being latched. He took several deep breaths to control himself. It had taken all his will power not to turn her on her back and take advantage of their situation.

He had kept his lust, for his wife, in check for the past eight months, but now it was getting harder and harder to control his primitive needs, especially in the last three months, when she had started avoiding him the most.

He knew she was not immune to him either, he had felt her shiver of delight, her reluctance to move out of his arms immediately, and it had given him tiny ray of hope. The night before he arrogantly told Kajal that Anjali loved him, but he really hadn't been sure, he was still unsure of her feelings for him, but he knew she is attracted to him, so he will start with that, he will keep her with him, even if he had to seduce her to stay with him. It is time, for Anjali Aditya Mehta to find out how stubborn her husband is when it comes to getting what he wants.

When Anjali came in the room with his tea, he was only half ready, he was scolding someone on the phone and all his files were scattered everywhere. She scowled at him for the mess. He mouthed a quick thanks to her when she gathered his files to put in the bag.

When she was finished, Aditya covered the phone with his hand. "Anjali, I need a tie." She immediately went to his wardrobe to get him a matching tie to go with his blue shirt. When she brought it to him, he gestured for her to tie it on him while he continued his conversation.

She hesitated a bit then shrugged her shoulders; she lifted the shirt collar and put the tie around his neck. Aditya stopped listening to the person at the other end of the phone as watched his wife struggle to fasten the top button of his shirt. He realized she was struggling because he was so much taller than her. He took her hand and walked towards the bed, he sat down so it would be easier for her, but that also made it difficult for her, because now she had to bend her back, in the end she just kneeled in front of him to put the tie on him.

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