Chapter 12

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Aditya hurried towards his room, he needed to talk to Anjali before she fell asleep. The drive back home had been quiet, he had made several attempts to talk to her in the car, but she had not responded, she had gone to a place where he could not reach her. When they arrived home, she had immediately disappeared to kitchen, and all through dinner she been quiet. No one, except him, had noticed the unusual lost look in her eyes.

After dinner, his uncle had wanted to speak to him about a project so they had immediately closed themselves off into the study, and it had taken longer than he anticipated, and now it was almost eleven o' clock, and he didn't want to take a chance on Anjali going to sleep before he could speak to her.

He sighed in relief when he saw her standing by the window, lost in thought. He quietly closed and locked the door. He walked towards her and stopped inches from her and quietly observed her. She looked sad and disconcerted. "Anjali, are you ok?" He stepped closer to her, stood beside her and waited for her to answer him.

Anjali glanced at Aditya. She had been so lost in thought that she hadn't even heard him come in. She sighed, leaned her head on the windowpane, and starred back at him. "Tell me something Aditya, what am I missing?" When he looked back at her with puzzled expression, she continued. "I mean what is it about me, that makes you guys hate me so much? It is something I can't figure out."

He didn't know why but her question angered him. She had acted all calm since she left her father's house, but inside she must have been thinking about her father's words to her, and now they have taken a strong hold on her and if he didn't bring her back, she is going to be lost to them forever. "I don't know about your father, but I can promise you, your brother and I don't hate you. Yes, we were swayed by wrong people and believed them instead of you, but that does not mean we hate you." He could see that he was not getting through to her. He grabbed her and pulled her against him roughly.

"Does this feel like I hate you?" He didn't wait for her to answer, he brought his lips down to hers and kissed her roughly, she froze for a moment, then struggled to get out of his arms, he tightened his hold on her and softened the kiss. He felt her relax against him and finally put her arms around him. He felt her lips part slightly and he immediately deepened the kiss by tangling his tongue with hers. Pretty soon the kiss spiraled out of control. Somewhere in the recess of his mind, Aditya thought if he didn't stop soon, they would reach a point of no return. He didn't want to take her when she is in no condition to make the right decision. He forced the kiss on her to prove a point, but if he didn't stop soon, things will backfire on him.

Anjali had stopped thinking the moment she felt his lips soften on hers, she had lost all her senses when she felt him deepened the kiss. The moment they left her father's house, she had stopped feeling anything but fear. She had felt nothing but cold from the inside, she had feared she would never warm up again, but the instant he took her in his arms she felt the warm feeling returning slowly.

She tightened her arms around him when she felt him start to pull away from her, she didn't want to loose the warmth of his arms around her, the more she tried to come closer to him, the more she felt him pull away from her. She came crashing down to her senses when she felt him stiffen in her arms. She froze, it seems she did it again, thrown herself at him, to be rejected once again, when will she learn? She dropped her arms to her side and took a few steps back, away from him. She couldn't look at him, so she turned away and took a few deep breaths to control her emotions, she did not want him to see the hurt in her eyes at his rejection.

The minute she turned away from him, Aditya realized he just made things worst between them instead of making them better. Aditya Mehta, you are a first class idiot. He groaned when he heard the mocking voice in his head. He had thoroughly bungled things with her, and how was he going to fix this? He took a step towards her, "Anjali...." She didn't let him finish.

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