Chapter 22

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The next night Anjali got ready for the party in one of her new saris that Kajal had talked her into buying on their shopping trip. She eyed herself critically, and wondered if she should change. Not because she didn't like the sari, but because of the people attending the party. She hadn't let Aditya know her nervousness of going this party after the last disaster. She didn't want him to worry about her on top of all his other worries.

The sari was Carnation Pink with sequins and faux pearl beads in floral motifs interspersed all over. A gold color zari woven into the floral design with sequin and faux pearl baby beads adorned the border and pallu. The net material formed the backdrop for these sequins, beads and motifs that made anything behind it visible. The blouse was gold with a sweetheart neckline with net cup sleeves, net shoulders and a netback. Two hooks and eye closures and a tasseled tie at the back. Her back was practically bare. She decided to leave her hair open so it would cover her bare back.

She was just checking herself in the mirror to make sure the blouse was hooked properly when Aditya walked in the room to call her. He stopped in his tracks when he saw her. The first thought that came to mind was, "she looks ravishing." He wished they didn't have to attend the party, he would show her exactly how the sari was affecting him.

She felt his presence before she saw him. She slowly turned towards him to see his reaction.

He inhaled deeply to control his breathing. His eyes moved to her feet and slowly traveled up to her eyes. When their eyes met, everything seized to exist for them. Aditya moved towards her without breaking the eye contact. He stopped in front of her and gave her another once over before speaking. "You look beautiful, I almost don't want to take you out of this room."

Anjali bit her lip anxiously. "You don't think it's too much do you?" She waited for him to answer.

Aditya was taken back by her nervousness. He realized she is more nervous about the party then she let on earlier. "Hmm.....Let's see," He pretended to think about it. "I think it is bit too much," when he saw that she looked worried, he quickly added, "But only for my state of mind." When she looked relieved, he winked at her. "Now come on before we are the last ones to arrive, and then all the attention will be on you, and I don't want that tonight. I want to keep you to myself tonight." He took her hand and walked out the door.

"What about Kajal and Vishal?" Anjali asked when they were outside.

He helped her in the car, and came around to the driver's side. Once he was settled he looked over at her before starting the car. "It's just you and me. Kajal left with Anish, and Vishal is picking up Sonal. Are you scared to be alone with me?" He teased her.

"No of course not, but you should be scared to be alone with me" She teased him back.

He gave her a startled look. "Why?"

She eyed him carefully, leaned forward and said, "Have I told you that you look very handsome in my favorite black suit and white shirt?" She held back a smile, when he narrowed his eyes at her.

"You did that on purpose, waited until we are in the car to tell me, and you will pay for this later." She just raised her eyebrow. He sighed and started the car, gave her one last look before he started driving.

When they arrived at the party, after being greeted by their hosts, they were surrounded by their friends. Anjali hugged her brother then her friend Shruti. She smiled at Vishal and Sonal. She was glad everything worked out between them. Sonal had been reluctant to listen to her at first, but Kajal had talked her into hearing them out first. Once Anjali explained everything to Sonal about her cousin Riya, Sonal had felt bad that she fell into their trap, and doubted Vishal. Sonal must have called Vishal as soon as Anjali and Kajal left her place. Anjali was happy for her brother-in-law, now they can really talk to the family to get them engaged also.

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