Chapter 14

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Anjali rushed to the hospital reception to ask which room number Aditya Mehta was in, when the receptionist told her she didn't even wait for directions or thank her, she rushed to find the room. She finally located the room on second floor and ran towards it, she halted just outside the door and released a breathe, when she saw him sitting, wearing only his vest, on the exam table and the doctor getting ready to stitch his arm. There was blood on his clothes, and she gathered it was from the visible 4-inch gash in his right arm.

He didn't notice Anjali standing there with tears in her eyes at the pain he must be in from the cut. Just then the doctor looked towards the door. "Can I help you?"

Aditya also looked towards the door when the doctor spoke up. He was stunned to see her standing there with tears on her face. "Anjali, what are you doing here?" When she didn't answer he sighed. He held out his left hand and waited to see what she does.

He was surprised and delighted when she rushed to him and threw her arms around his neck to hug him tightly. He heard her sobbing quietly and realized this wasn't only about his injury, but there was something else going on in his wife's head. He soothed her by rubbing his hand up and down her back. "Shh...I am okay, it's just a cut that the doctor here is going to stich and then send me home."

She loosened her arms from around his neck and moved back. "Ok doctor I am ready for you to stich this up so we can go home." Aditya held out his arm to the doctor without taking his eyes off of Anjali.

The doctor smiled at them. " are very lucky Mr. Mehta, not only is your injury minor, but looks like you have your angel to take care of you at home."

Anjali flushed at the doctor's words and looked away, Aditya chuckled at her shyness. When the doctor was finished, he turned to Anjali. "Make sure he rest that arm for few days and I will give you the instructions to change the dressing." She nodded in understanding and the doctor left to get the discharge papers.

She looked around for his shirt, but couldn't find it. "What are you looking for Anjali?"

She looked towards him. "Your shirt."

He pointed to the dustbin. "It's in there, it was ruined from all the blood. I just told the doctor to throw it away."

Anjali frowned at him. "How did you injure yourself?"

He looked at her. "It was just an accident, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, don't worry it really isn't serious, I will be fine in few days."

She knew he wasn't telling her everything, but decided to let it go for now.

To distract her Aditya once again pulled her close. "So Anjali, which idiot called you and told you I was in the hospital?" She frowned at him, and was about to reprimand him for calling someone an idiot. He gave her a knowing look and smiled. "I am just asking so I can reward the idiot, after all if it wasn't for that person how else would you have run to me?" She flushed at his reminder of the words spoken to her by him earlier that morning.

"Then the reward belongs to me, since I am the idiot that answered the phone when bhabhi called." Aditya and Anjali turned towards the door to see Vishal standing there with a big grin on his face.

He turned towards Anjali. "You were calling me? Why?"

She glanced at Vishal and turned back to Aditya. "We will talk about it later. She then turned to Vishal and spotted the package in his hands. "What is that?"

He handed her the package. "It's a new shirt for bhai. I am going to go sign the discharge papers, and pick up these medication at the pharmacy. I will meet you both outside. Dad also called, family is anxiously waiting for bhai." When Vishal left, Anjali opened the shirt package.

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