Chapter 24

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Next morning Aditya woke up as soon as she moved out of his arms. He lifted his head off the pillow to glance toward her then turned on his side to study his beautiful wife.

He started with her face, which looked even more innocent in sleep. He couldn't resist moving a curl from her face. His eyes moved to her soft, pink lips. He caresses her soft cheek with the back of his hand, when she didn't stir he continued down her throat. He paused when he encountered the first button of his shirt.

She had put on his shirt in the middle of the night when he refused to let her put on a nightgown. She had begged him to at least let her wear something, seeing how uncomfortable she had felt he had got up to pick up his shirt from the floor for her to wear.

He glanced at her face, when he saw that she was still sleeping, he unbuttoned the shirt and moved it out of the way. He continued to caress her gently, but touching her was not enough. He wanted to taste her warm, pink flesh. He bent and softly kissed the pulse point at her neck. He continued down her throat giving her several open mouth kisses as he continued moving down her body. When he reached her flat stomach and the waist chain he gave her several kisses from left to right along the chain.

When he felt her hand in his hair, he knew she was a wake; he started kissing his way back up her body, pausing at each breast and giving lingering kisses before lifting his head to meet her eyes. She looked away shyly, darting her eyes from here and there before coming back to his. She tried to pull the shirt back to cover herself but he stopped her. Moved over her, bringing his bare chest in contact with hers, making her inhale sharply and him groan deeply. He wanted her to feel that last night was not a dream however a reality and he was satisfied with her response she gave.

Just as he was about to kiss her senseless the alarm clock went off loudly, making him groan again and her laugh softly. He buried his face in her neck, holding her tightly not wanting to let her go.

He felt her hands on his shoulders. "Aditya, move, I have to get up."

He sighed and lifted his head to look down at her. He studied her face intently. "How do you feel?"

She flushed pink at his question, knowing exactly what he wanted to know. At first she was too embarrassed to look at him, but considering what took place the night before, there was no room for embarrassment between them. She put her hand on his cheek and smiled. "I am fine, but if I don't start getting ready soon, someone will be coming to look for me, so please move, and let me go."

Aditya turned his head and lightly kissed her palm before moving off her, so she could get up. He watched as she sat up on the side of the bed and buttoned the shirt up again. When he saw her walk to the wardrobe without any difficulty, he closed his eyes to go back to sleep, giving her time to dress privately.

An hour later Anjali was heating up the milk when her mother-in-law walked in the kitchen. "Jai Shree Krishna Maa!"

"Jai Shree Krishna Anjali! How was the party last night?"

"Party was nice Maa." Anjali turned off the stove and turned towards her. "Maa there is something we wanted to talk to you about.

Ramila smiled at her daughter-in-law. "We already know about Vishal and Sonal, and we have already talked about keeping both engagement on the same day." She smiled wider at her daughter-in-law's surprised look. "Vishal and Kajal told us yesterday and we already spoke to Sonal's parents. We were all hoping for this alliance anyway." Her smile faded at the thought of what she needed to discuss with her daughter-in-law.

"Anjali, come here, there is something we need to talk about also." Anjali followed Ramila to the kitchen table and they both sat down "We stopped by at your father's house to invite him to the engagement personally. I know I should have talked to you about this beforehand, but I knew you would understand that we cannot cut your father off from our family events, after all he is your father, and we don't want to give people more things to gossip about."

Anjali immediately covered mother-in-law's hand to stop her. "Maa, you don't have to explain anything to me, in fact I was already prepared for this. Did he say weather he will attend or not?"

"He agreed to attend the engagement. He seemed to have calmed down a bit, and he looked pleased to be invited."

Anjali did not know what to make of that, she had lost hope of her father ever changing, she hoped all was well with him, and made a mental note to talk to her brother about it later.

Anjali placed Aditya's tea on the table and started straightening up the room. When she started making the bed she couldn't help but flash back to the night before and smile to herself. She felt his arms go around her waist and felt him nuzzled her neck. 'I saw that.' She turned in his arms and smiled up at him. 'What?' He brought her closer to him. "Your smile, what were you smiling about?"

Anjali placed her arms around his neck, lifted up on her toes, so she could be closer to him and said, 'you' before placing her lips on his. Aditya tightened his arms around her and lifted her up in his arms. He deepened the kiss, getting lost in her touch and taste.

After a moment the kiss gentled, and slowed down to lingering touches of lips, showing their reluctance to end the kiss. He placed her back down but didn't let her go. She stepped back and placed her hands on his chest. "You need to get ready, and I should go back down and finish breakfast." He drank his tea while she put his clothes out for the day.

Breakfast was a lively affair, with everyone teasing Vishal and discussing the engagement event, which just expanded. "Vishal, are you sure you want to get married? Just the other day you claimed you were not ready." Aditya teased him.

Vishal was not one to easily get embarrassed, so he also teased his brother in return. "Well bhai, seeing how happy you are with bhabhi, especially after last night, I figure I should give it a shot. I figured it couldn't be that bad, if my workaholic bhai is not even spared by the institution of marriage and love of a good woman." At the mention of night before, Anjali's head shot up, and she flushed.

Seeing his wife flush, Aditya quickly changed the subject to engagement preparations and what were the plans since now there were going to be two engagements taking place. The change of subject did not go unnoticed by the family members.

For the next few days, the whole Mehta clan became busy with making changes for the event. In addition to caterers, flowers and menu, everyone had to be called personally to be invited and to inform about the change in plans.

There was more shopping to do, for Sonal, and also Vishal.

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