Chapter 26

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The next two days were spent putting the Mehta Mansion back together after the big event.

While Anjali was busy helping Kajal with all the gifts and also helping Ramila and Hina pack for their trips, Aditya returned to office the next day.

All the evidence against Dhaval was handed to proper authorities. He handled the whole incident personally. He made sure the company's legal team was also aware of the situation. Dhaval was removed from the company grounds by the guards and later arrested by the police. Aditya made sure he was not able to make bail.

He called Raj and informed him also. He knew his brother-in-law had been worried about his father.

Aditya was glad his family was leaving the next day for their trips. This change will be good for all. Things should settle down by the time they all returned home.

He decided to come into office the next day, after dropping his uncle, auntie and Vishal off at the airport. His parents were leaving to go to his grandmoter's place that afternoon.

He ensured he finished all his pending urgent work and informed his staff that he would be working from home the next two days and to contact him only if there is any emergency. He settled in his office to wind up his final matters before leaving for home.

Just as he zipped up his bag, Aditya's eyes landed on the photo sitting on his desk. It was a picture of Anjali and him from two nights ago. He had bribed the photographer to get him a copy as soon as possible. The photo had arrived that morning and he had immediately placed it on his desk.

He picked up the photo and caressed Anjali's face gently. He took out his cell phone and dialed her number. It was picked up on the second ring, he heard her soft "Hello."

Aditya smiled at her anticipatory tone. "Hi sweetheart, what are you doing?"

Anjali's heart skipped a beat when she heard his term of endearment. It has the same effect every time. "Hmmm...I am cooking dinner for my busy husband. What are you doing?"

Aditya leaned forward and placed the photo, back in its place. He smiled at her willingness to play along with him. "I am finishing important pending work so that I am not disturbed for next two days." He waited to see if she got his hidden message.

Anjali leaned back against the counter. She didn't know how to answer him. They had two days to themselves...


She cleared her throat nervously, her mouth had gone dry suddenly and she could feel her heartbeat increase in anticipation. "Yes," she dragged out softly.

"If your busy husband comes home early, will you do something for him?"

Anjali inhaled sharply at his sensual tone.

"What would my busy husband want of me to do for him?" she replied shyly anticipating his request.

Aditya played with the pen on his desk, leaned back and closed his eyes. His mind flashed back to the waist chain and how it had looked against her soft, milky skin. He wanted to see her wearing it again. "Will you wear the waist chain for me please?"

Thinking back to that moment when she did wear it, Anjali couldn't say no to him when he made the request so sweetly. "How long before you can come home?"

He sat up and dropped the pen. "I am finished with all the work, I am leaving in five minutes, so I will see you in half hour."


Anjali ended the call. Quickly finished cleaning up and made her way up to their room. She pulled out the waist chain and stared at if for few seconds, remembering how he had presented to her and the pleasure he showed her later.

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