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I walked out into the warm summer night making my way to work. I was dressed in my usual uniform ,black leather short skirt with a fishnet top which revealed  my black bra . This is what I  had to wear if I wanted to get good tips ,working in a night club wasn't  always my dream job but when you're a girl like me you have to stick with what you can get. I walked towards the front of the club being greeted by Jack  the night club security gaurd .he held the door open for me ignoring  the anxious  people waiting in line to get in. "Looking  good Rose when are we getting married?" I smirked at him use to his familiar  flirting "whenever you  decide to leave that wife of your's  " he let out a laugh as I  made my way in .

I pushed  through the already crowded club making my way to the back . I threw my purse in my locker slamming it shut as I  walked away to clock in. "Their she is! It's  about time your ass came to work on  time!" I turned to see Alex she was my only real friend if you spotted her on a night out she would be known as the  blue haired girl with brown eyes and a body to die for . "can a girl get a break around here?" She smiled widely giving me a hug "not when she's  late everyday " .

"Whatever you love me " I wrapped my arm around her shoulders walking us towards the bar " ready for another night  of drunk men grabbing our asses and  trying to ask us out?" I let out a groan "will I  ever be ready for that ? " she let out a giggle  handing me a tray filled with drinks "may the odds be ever in your favor my dear friend " I lifted  three fingers only  making her laugh more.

The night went on and my tips began to get larger as the room got more and more  busy. I let out a tired sigh putting down my tray for the bartender  to fill ."this ome goes to the VIP area " I nodded as Max placed three large bottles of vodka onto my tray. I lifted it walking through  the crowd towards the VIP area.

One of the security  gaurds unclipped the rope allowing me to walk in. "Three bottles  of vodka and three shots of tequila " I  placed the tray down seeing hands grab bottles and tiny glass cups . A thick British  accent  spoke "thank you love !!" I looked up  to see a guy sitting on one of  the leather chairs with short brown hair and a beautiful face smirking at me. "uh you're  welcome glad I  could  help " I  picked up my tray beginning  to walk away until I  felt someone close to me "wait!" I turned to see the man again but only taller. "Can I  help  you with anything  else ?" He scanned my body revealing his dimples as his smile widened."yeah you could give me your name " I raised an eyebrow noticing his flirtatious  nature "Rose ,and you are?" He looked at me confused "Harry, nice too meet you Rose ,could I  invite  you to a drink?" I scanned his body taking in all of his sex appeal   " I  can't  I'm  kind of working right now " he bit his lip "when do you get off?" I let out a small laugh "late" "how late ? Are we talking 12?1? " I  shrugged  "somewhere  around there " I  walked away feeling his stare on me.

My shift was finally  done as the night club died down. my feet were killing me ,I  sat in the locker room changing into some regular shoes. I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the club. I let go of the door letting it shut behind me  when a familiar deep voice  spoke "so 1 am was the ending of your shift" I  turned to see Harry  smirking as he leaned against the wall " are you stalking me ? " he let out a laugh running to walk by me.  "no I  just wanted to see you again?" I let out a scoff "why?"  "Because you're  beautiful  " I  stopped  in my tracks to look at him "ok?" He put his hands in his pockets awkwardly  " you promised me a drink" I  couldn't  hide my smile "last time I  checked  you offered me one"  "it's  a date then" I  looked at him confused
" date? You barely  know my name " "even more of a reason  to have a date " I  crossed my arms "no" .I  began to walk again only  to have him run after me "what! Come on at least  let me buy you dinner you've  been working all night doesn't  a hot meal sound good to you?" I looked at him catching him looking at my butt "are you checking me out?" He let out a laugh "maybe ?can you blame me look at you you're unbelievable  !" I began to blush "fine we can get a pizza but thats it" he smiled widely "ill take it" .

I  began to walk again only  to have him run after me "what! Come on at least  let me buy you dinner you've  been working all night doesn't  a hot meal sound good to you?" I looked at him catching him looking at my butt "are you checking me out?" ...

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A/n: let me know  what you  think so far !

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