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2 weeks later

I sat in Harrys living room eating a bowl of cereal watching some random talk show . I felt the couch get heavier as H sat down , he leaned in to kissing my lips softly "morning beautiful " I smiled at him admiring his wet hair and growing scruff "good morning handsome " he ate the cereal off my spoon and winked at me."I have something for you " I raised an eyebrow as he walked to his room with a towel wrapped around his waist . He came back with a small box with a ribbon on it "I know your birthday isn't for another week but I thought you might like this one first " "there's more?" He smirked at me "maybe" I handed him my bowl and began to open the box . My eyes widened at the gift it was a black Cannon Rebel camera, it came with a red velvet strap and few extra lenses " Harry it's beautiful ! Thank you so much!" I kissed him softly "I'm glad you like it , I thought maybe you could start taking pictures again ...and I don't know maybe take another chance at becoming a famous photographer?" he smiled at me softly "I love it ,it's perfect " I stood up as I took it out of the box placing the strap around my neck "what do you think?" He watched me intently "you look perfect I'm especially loving this whole t-shirt and panty look " he let out a laugh as I rolled my eyes "always so naughty , anyway I have an idea for my first pictures,come on " I pulled him from the couch leading him to the bed "lay down" he raised an eyebrow "nudes?" I pushed him playfully "no ,art " he laid down and I stood on the bed towering him . I began to take pictures of his tattoos getting close and personal with each part of his body that had ink on it . I took my finally shot and looked back at it ,Harry pulled my legs making me fall onto the bed "heyy,what was that for ?" He began to kiss my neck " you looked so tempting I couldn't resist not having you under me " he began to kiss down my chest to my stomach.

I let out a moan feeling his warm breath against the wet spots he had left against me with every kiss and peck. I watched him intently as he got lower and lower , his fingers wrapped around my red lace panties pulling them down my legs . I bit my lip as he watched me seductively ,he blew on my heat making me squirm "Harry please " he smirked at me "patience my love "he began to kiss at my thighs leaving little love bites . I closed my eyes feeling him tower over my heat , the moment was quickly ruined by the sound of his phone alarm going off . He stood up grabbing his phone "it's time to get dressed for the Oscars" I began to feel annoyed "wait ! Aren't you going to finish ! ?" He pecked my lips "maybe later if you behave " I rolled my eyes as he walked into the closet .

I sat up pulling up my panties as I made my way towards him . I leaned against the door frame watching him grab his suit and a couple of other things. "Lou will be over in a bit to help us with our hair and your make up " I let out a huff still annoyed at the sexual fustration he had brought onto me . I mocked his accent as I walked past him "Fine but just so you know you might not get any tonight if you misbehave " he smirked at me "is someone being grumpy ?" He wrapped his arms around my waist trying to kiss me I pushed him playfully as I grabbed my designer dress and heels along with the necklace he got me "bite me" he winked at me "maybe".

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