silk sheets

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I finished  putting on my shoes as the sunlight filled the room. I had so many interviews and meet and greets to go to it was exciting. I looked behind me to see Rose wrapped in my slik sheets,her expression  was soft as she slept quietly her skin even glowed when the suns beams grazed over her perfect curves .

I kissed her lips softly and left her a letter so she knew where I  went.most people would think I'm  a pro at being friends with benefits but this was my first time,I  don't  know what's  to much and what's  to little .I  walked into the elevator hearing the ding as the doors closed behind me .



I rolled over flopping onto the mattress noticing it's  new emptyness."Harry are you here?" The penthouse was quiet  I  guess he had some stuff to do. I sat up allowing the soft slik sheets to fall from my naked body. Their was a note on the table
" Rose,
Sorry I  couldn't  stay I have some interviews to do today. Feel  free to stay or you can go... whatever  you perfer.I hope you have a lovely day.
                         all the love ,
                                    H "

I let out a sigh and made my way to his shower . Even his bathroom was huge it was  the size of my room! His bathtub was golden and so was his shower with marble tile. I noticed the mp3 player on the wall and plugged in my phone allowing
" housewife spliffin" by Ängie to play.

After my long shower I  raided Harry's  closet in my bra and panties . I bit my lip as I flipped through floral shirts,white t shirts  down to band t shirts. I  grabbed a Beatles  tee and pulled it over my head along with my tight black jeans and leather jacket. I put on my shoes and walked to the mirror to watch myself as I  pulled my long hair into a pony tail.

I grabbed a piece of paper and pen  leaving a note for Harry.

" Harry,
Thanks for the offer of hanging in your extravagant penthouse but I'll  have to pass fwb don't  stay long they usually dip after sex but I  ended up falling asleep, I  won't  make that mistake again . Anyway I  hope your day is lovely too. :)

-Rose "

I made my way out calling a taxi .


I closed the door leaning  against  it letting out a breath of relief . "Well look who decided  to come home " I  rolled my eyes at the sight of my roomate sitting on the couch in my robe."why are you wearing my robe?" Eric rolled his eyes  petting the silk material "its mine now ,enough  about  me I'm  not the one barely  arriving  home " I  had met Eric  the first day I  moved to New York and we've  been inseparable  since ."I  was hanging  out with a friend  and plus I'm  not the one who's    been gone a whole week !" He rolled his eyes as I  sat next to him "it's  different  I  spend  my time away with my boyfriend  unlike you " I  looked at him in shock "who's  the one who told me to have fun and enjoy my young years?! " he let out a laugh "fine! Moving on I'm  only here to catch up me and Zack are taking a trip  for the weekend to meet his parents" Zack  was Eric's  frist real relationship  they we're  perfect  together a dream couple  if  you will. Eric  had black short hair and hazel  eyes he was about medium height  and one of the most beautiful men I've  ever seen. Zack was more of a square he had a nicely groomed beard ,he was blonde with blue eyes ,6'1 and fit, and he always wore a suit which makes sense since he was the CEO of his father's  company ,practically a model and Eric's weakness.

"That's  exciting! are you nervous ?" He gave me a really ?kind of look "of course bitch! I'm meeting the parents of the man I  love for the first time what do you think?!" I let out a laugh "well just be yourself  but like a more classy version "
"I am classy " I  rolled my eyes "mhmm sure " he pushed me lightly letting out a laugh "whatever ,well tell me about this friend is she cute ? " I  bit my lip "yes He's cute and no I  won't  tell u about him it's  nothing  serious ...I'm  just having fun" he nodded and patted my leg "well just don't  get attached  remeber what happened  with  Lola ?" I rubbed my temples at the thought  of my complicated  ex "Well I've  learned  my lesson "

A/n: I  know this is short but I'll  update soon I'm  just kinda rusty .


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