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The taxi stopped  infront of the old familiar  house. I let out a sigh getting  out as Harry  paid the driver "so this was your  old home?" He stood  by me looking down at me curiously "yup this is it..." "I would've  never thought  of you living d-" "in the ghetto ?" He let  out a sigh "that's  not what I  was gonna  say,I was gonna  say downtown " I  looked at the old brown  house with the metal fence and dieing    grass. Everything  seemed  to be the way I  left it "should  we go in ?" I nodded walking  through the small fence towards the brown wooden door . I let out a breath and knocked,  his familiar  voice yelled  behind the  door "WHO THE FUCK IS IT!?" he opened  the door harshly  his expression  changing  from  annoyance  to a smirk "Rose,long time no see" I  could feel my stomach  growing  into a never ending  pit. "Maddox...." he looked over to Harry  scanning his body with disgust.  "Well if it isn't Mr .Gucci  " Harry  raised  an eyebrow  "Mr.Gucci?"  "Come in make yourself  at home after all that  was what this place was before you  ran off to become some famous photographer "he  walked into the small house sitting down  on the couch.

We followed  doing the same ,he kept  his eyes on me as he lit a cigarette  holding  it loosely  between  his lips .everything  about him was exactly  the same his big brown eyes,slicked back hair,his perfectly shaped jaw, his dimples .  "So what brings  you back to what did you call it Rose? Oh right a life sucking hell of a city  " I  could feel myself boiling  up  with anger every memory  in this house  hitting  me like a truck .  "Just fuck off ok!?  I left for a reason so leave me and Harry alone !" He blew  out the smoke "Harold is it ? Do you  always let your women  speak for you?" Harry was about to speak before I  chimed in "I'm  not his woman" he raised an eyebrow  at me then reached  over to grab something  off the side of the couch "that's  not what  their  saying  " he threw a "people's  magazine " at  me. I looked  down to see a picture  of me and Harry  making out at the engagement  party  I  had just thrown for Eric .

"What  does it matter  mate ? We came here respectfully  to ask you to leave us  alone ...I  would've  thought  you being her brother you would want what's  best  for her" I shifted in my seat uncomfortable  with the situation  that was about  to blow up in my face . "Brother? Is that  what she told you I  was to  her? Wow Rose I  see you're  still  hiding    secrets  from the men you date" I  let  out a sigh feeling Harry's gaze on me  "shut up Maddox  " he leaned in putting  out his bud " why you don't  want our friend here to know  the truth? " i stood up" don't  you dare  " he looked at Harry  ignoring  me " I'm not her brother "mate " I'm  her husband " I  threw the magazine  at Maddox  "Fuck! Why can't  you  ever let me live!??!" He looked  at me in shock "because you belong  to me ,come on Ro you didn't  really  think you could  leave and live  this fucking perfect  life right!? I'm  surprised  you're  even in a relationship  for fucks sake you barely  kept  your legs  closed when you were here! I bet you're  even thinking  of fucking me right  now " he stood up waving his hands around with every word I punched  him in the face and stormed out.


She punched  him in the face making  him bleed walking  out of the  house  angrily . I couldn't  even process what was happening  how could he be her husband . He wiped off the blood and grabbed another cigarette  lighting  it , i made my way out stopping  at the door once he spoke "if I  was you I'd  get out now,she's  a runner  especially  when anything  gets serious" I let out a scoff   " fuck off" I made my way  out  slamming the door shut .

Rose was walking  on the sidewalk almost  past the  house. "ROSE WAIT UP!" I ran after her slowing  down once I  got next  to her.  She had tears in her eyes " I  fucking  hate him so much  this is why I  didn't  want to  come back! I HATE HIM AND I HATE THIS SHIT HOLE!" She sat in the curb placing her hands in her hair " why didn't  you tell me he was your  husband? " she looked at me makeup streaming  down  her cheeks "what?" "Why didn't you tell me about  him " "because we're  not in a relationship Harry, it's  really  none of your  business " her words came out harsh . I  furrowed  my eyebrows  "why are you getting  mad at me ?" She rolled her eyes" because Harry  you're  the one who wanted  to come here and fix things like we live in some fantasie world where  you can visit  an asshole and ask him to stop being one I  know you might  be  living a perfect  life  with your fame and fortune  but we're  not all that lucky!!" "You don't  know anything about me!!" she let out a sigh "can you just take me home....please " I  let out a groan "fine " I  grabbed my phone calling a taxi to pick us up.

A/n: drama drama drama haha the gif is how I  imagine Maddox  to look ;)

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A/n: drama drama drama haha the gif is how I  imagine Maddox  to look ;)

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