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I stretched in my bed feeling it's emptyness I sat up looking around noticing Rose things had disappeared from the counter. I yelled out her name but only received my echo . Did she leave because of the comment I made last night? I noticed that whenever I made any comment about how I loved being around her she would distance herself from me . I mean we've only been officially a couple for about 2 weeks ,maybe I'm being to tough on her . I grabbed my phone tapping on the icon with her face on it.

"Good morning Mr.Styles" I smiled to myself at the sound of her voice it was so soft yet perky. "It seems I woke up to an empty bed care to explain?" The sound of cars and beeping filled the background "not really "I ran my fingers through my hair "Rose..." I could tell she was smiling by the tone of her voice. "Harry.." "for fucks sake...where are you I want some cuddles from my girlfriend  and their's  no  girlfriend  to  cuddle  " she let out a laugh "I'll make it up to you tonight ,I'm actually on my way to a fancy store to help Eric with his wedding registry " Eric yelled a "hey Harry!" in the background making Rose laugh "fine but you owe me one" "which is?" I smiled to myself excited about what I was planning on asking her "I'll tell you when you come home" I bit my lip knowing she wouldn't let my comment slide "home ? You mean your place ? " "no I mean home as in whenever you're at my place I feel more at home than when you're not with me" she let out a slight breath "ok well ...I'll see you soon...I gotta go bye H" why couldn't she just accept my affection ? "Bye baby" she hung up leaving me with an empty feeling . I laid on my bed letting out an annoyed groan I had a plan for us and I wasn't going to let her get out of them that easily.


I heard the elevator ding announcing one of my  designer's arrival.
Zuhair Murad was one of Rose favorite designers I remember we talked about his work while I was away during my Dunkirk promo tour . I had asked Eric for her measurements since I knew she would never tell me,it ended up working out since he had to get her measurements for her maid of honor gown anyway . I shook Zuhair's hand as his assistants followed with a rack of personally designed dresses ,we had talked about what I thought would look good and Rose and her usual style ,Zuhair added his own touch of course.
"Mr.Styles it's great to see you again,me and my team have brought you a few options for your special lady " he gestured me over to the rack as he pulled one out .

It was long and black sewed perfectly with every line and bead. The next one he pulled out was a purple long gown with two larger sides to it creating the illusion of curves. Each dress was nearly see through but just imagining Rose in them drove me insane . She could pull off anything but I couldn't wait to see her in one of these. After looking through a few more I picked one and he wrapped it up for me in a black box tied with a golden ribbon ,I thanked him and he made his way out .

I had Lou go shopping for me to buy Rose some shoes to go along with the dress . I let out a breath as I walked into Tiffany's trying my best not to get ambushed by paps . The older woman behind the counter greeted me "here to pick up your order Mr.Styles?" I smiled to myself each time someone called me Mr.Styles since Rose said it so often. "Yes I am " she nodded and walked to the back returning later with a large black velvet box she opened it revealing a silver and gold necklace. It was perfect I couldn't wait to see her face once she saw the things I got her , I just hope she says yes.


I walked through the store with Eric occasionally scanning random things."I just don't know ,it's like he has this whole fantasy about me like I'm some kind of princess and he's my prince charming rescuing me from my tall tower....last night he told me he likes to hold me " Eric raised an eyebrow at me "he said that to you?... sober ? " I let out a sigh as I scanned a little gold tray "yeah he's always sober, another new thing for me ...I just don't know what to do it just freaks me out how fast he's going " . "are you sure you're not just freaking out because you have a guy who ACTUALLY treats you right? I mean come on Rose the man is tall,rich,and British what more could you want ?he's a great guy just enjoy being treated like a princess for once" I bit the inside of my lip " what if I fuck him up like I did with Lola?" He rolled his eyes at me stopping in his tracks "don't fucking say that Lola fucked you up not the other way around ,that bitch was toxic I'm glad her ass ran off to some hippie ass tour " he was right Lola was the hardest relationship I ever had well if you could call it that. she mainly just strung me around and called me whenever she wanted something "yeah I guess you're right " " I know I'm right , honestly I'm just thankful to god that we didn't lose you after what she did " he hugged me tightly letting out a sigh as he let go "thanks E ,you're like my big brother and I'm greatful for that ...you know I'd do anything for you right?" He waved me off as he walked towards another aisle "yeah I'll remember that when I need something " I shook my head smiling to myself . I honestly was falling for Harry but It's just new to me usually the relationships I was in were with terrible people who treated me like shit.

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