Vegas baby!!

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We sat in coach waiting for the plane to take off. I looked over to Rose seeing her nervously  biting her nails as she looked out the window "you alright  love?" Her eyebrows furrowed  "I've  never been on a plane before  so the whole leaving the ground thing is really  starting  to freak me the fuck out " I  couldn't  help but laugh. She hit me on the shoulder  "it's  not funny Harry ...this ontop of having to see my  dick head of a brother is just stressing  me out" I  placed her hand in mine kissing it "relax everything  is going to be ok,how bad could it be?" A blonde women in a blue uniform greeted us "would anyone like a refreshment or snack before we lift off?" Rose nodded "do you guys have anything strong?" "Rose?" She ignored me "we have scotch?" "That's  perfect" the lady left to get her drink "do you really  think it's  a good idea to mix alcohol  with fear?" She let out a sigh "yes I  do " the woman came back handing Rose her drink. She threw it back swiftly allowing  it to dissappear  into her mouth,she let out a sigh "that was good " I  kissed her head making her smile.

"This is your captain seaking , I  wanted to tell you we will be landing in the lovely Las Vegas in less than 5 minutes , thank you for  taking sunrise airlines we hope you enjoy your trip."

She looked out of the window concerned  letting out a groan." I never thought  I'd  be back here...why did i think this was a good idea?! We should just go back while we  still have our dignity " "we came here to make your brother back off and to prove to him that he can't  just mess with your life whenever  he wants to.. I  know I  don't  really know what happened  between you guy's  but I  still believe  this is the right thing...I'm  here Rose whatever you need" she nodded biting the inside of her cheek "ok but don't  say I  didn't  warn you ,we're  walking into my personal hell" the plane landed ,after a few moments we grabbed our bags making our way to a cab.

I had gotten us a room at a hotel since we couldn't  meet with her brother till tomorrow  since it was already so late. The driver took us to "The Cosmopolitan"  casino. Rose had been quiet the whole ride there all the way up to our room . The room was filled with unique and edgy furniture  using chandeliers  for lighting  and large purple curtains to frame the never  ending window that showed the strip.Rose threw her bag on a near by chair walking towards the window to look at the view, she stood there silent with her arms crossed  tears filling her eyes . I walked behind her wrapping  my arms around  her frame "what's wrong ? " a soft tear left her eye sliding down her cheek  "I hate it here so much...nothing good ever happened  for me here ....why did we have to come here ..." she slightly fell allowing me to hold her up " shh it's  ok'll  be over in no time ..I promise  " we sat on the floor quietly watching the small ant sized people fill the streets of the glowing strip .

Rose had gotten out of the shower in a white fluffy robe. She sat on the bed beginning to  apply lotion to her legs as I  laid sprawled  out half watching the tv. "Would you maybe like to go look around?" she looked over to me with a pouty lip "you've  never been here before?" I shook my head  sitting up for a better  view "everytime I  did it was only  for award shows or concerts I  never really  had the chance to look around...could you show me?" She bit her lip scanning my face with soft eyes "sure". I  got up excitedly  and pecked her lips "great I'll  get dressed " I  went to my suit  case grabbing a pair of jeans and a patterned shirt . Rose had put on a pink velvet dress wrapping her hair in a bun leaving her face bare she grabbed her sandals throwing  them on the floor "ready?" I nodded sliding on  my black Chelsea  boots.

After a long walk  we were now out  in the crowded streets  filled with  street performers  and tourist .she grabbed  my hand leading  me through a small crosswalk "let me show you  the  most  magical  free show you'll  ever see here" we walked passed  a trail of nicely sculpted barriers till we got to a wide center.  "what is this  ?" She smiled at me then looked out into the large pool of water "you'll  see" after a few minutes  the water started to light up as a Frank Sinatra's song "Luck Be A Lady" boomed through  the surround sound. Water shot up  highly as lower streaks waved back and worth in unison the view was unbelievable and oddly beautiful . I could feel my heart beating  fast  with every BOOM! and SWOOSH ! They  moved along  with  every beat of the song seeming like something  out of a movie . I looked over to Rose as she watched  the show calmly I made her face me smashing our lips together. I kissed her slowly allowing  her soft lips to move in sync with  mine,  After what felt like minutes the water began to shrink  quieting  down just as the song finished . She leaned her forehead against  mine smiling softly "what was that for?" I pecked her lips "I just  couldn't  ruin a perfect  moment  " .

We ended up walking the whole strip  till our feet couldn't  handel it anymore.even stopping  by a pizza place that had pizza larger than my face. We made our way through  "The Cosmopolitan " hand in hand walking tiredly to our room.she put the key card in opening the door to our bright  room. once we got settled  we laid in bed staring at the ceiling surrounded  by quiet darkness .

She spoke  softly  it was almost  a whisper  "Harry  would you  maybe want to cuddle  I  mean...only if you want  " I  couldn't  help  the smile on my face "I'd  love  to" she laid on her side  her back facing me as I  wrapped  my  arms around her securely. "Thanks for tonight  Rose,I really  enjoyed  it" she  let out a breath of relief "no biggy ,get some sleep we have a long day ahead  of us".  I kissed her neck nuzzleing myself into her "Good night love " she mumbled  a good night as she fell asleep.

  I kissed her neck nuzzleing myself into her "Good night love " she mumbled  a good night as she fell asleep

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A/n: get ready  for some drama!!!!!

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