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I stretched out in my bed noticing it's emptyness "Rose?" I heard singing coming from the restroom. I smiled to myself trying my best to stay quiet as I made my way to the door. Rose was singing along to my song Carolina she sounded perfect but I couldn't tell her that ,knowing her she would brush it off with a sarcastic comment.

I opened the door allowing the steam from the shower escape the room .I began to brush my teeth hearing the water stop "good morning sleepy head" I looked in the mirror seeing Rose's reflection, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towel "morning love,I see you're a fan of mine,I'm starting to think you knew about me all along hmm" she smiled softly "it was all apart of my evil plan muahah" "it all makes sense now " she let out a small laugh "speaking of plans I'm having a party tonight at my place you're welcome to come, even invite some friends if you want " I rinsed my mouth wiping my face with a towel after "I'd love to ,what time is it " she wrapped her hair in a towel "uh 8 but no one's really gonna come till 9 you can really just come whenever , these things usually don't end till 5am anyway" I scanned her body smirking to myself as the memories from last night passed my mind "Harry?..Harry!" I shook my head confused "yeah?" She smirked at me "I said did you want to grab a bite before I go?" "Yeah I'll whip something up" "I was gonna say McDonald's but ok" I kissed her lips pulling on her towel to get her closer "or I could just eat you" she pecked my lips "thanks but I'm kinda sore right now someone got a little rough " "what! I did not? " she gave me a look "really Harry? what are these then? " she opened her towel revealing the hickies I had spread through out her body "those are signs of some great sex" she shook her head biting her lip "it was pretty great" .

Harry!" I shook my head confused "yeah?" She smirked at me "I said did you want to grab a bite before I go?" "Yeah I'll whip something up" "I was gonna say McDonald's but ok" I kissed her lips pulling on her towel to get her closer "or I could jus...

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We were sitting at my kitchen counter eating breakfast . Rose was talking about how she was planning on starting her photography again she was so cute when she spoke passionately. "What?" "Nothing" "Harry " she looked at me confused "you're just cute that's all" she rolled her eyes "why do you do that?" "Do what?" "Roll your eyes whenever I give you a compliment ?" "I dont know " she looked down at her plate pushing the fruit on her plate around . I changed the subject realizing she was getting uncomfortable "I texted some of the guys about tonight so far Nick and Niall are up for it" "that's great ,that reminds me I have to meet up with the queen to get somethings for tonight" she made her way to the couch sliding on her leather jacket "alright I'll see you tonight ? " "yup " she walked into the elevator as the elevator doors opened.

I filled some bowls with chips and placed them on the coffee table along with the cases of beer and vodka . Eric and his boyfriend had been setting up the music and lights ,we were actually celebrating their engagement .Eric had found out about Harry thanks to the tabloids, he took the whole "friend" thing as bullshit he ended up  putting  the pieces together but never told anyone ,I always appreciated that about him it never matter who I was with as long as they didn't harm me in anyway."Rose you should go get dressed me and Zack can handle the rest" "ok thanks babe " I  made my way upstairs throwing on a metallic skirt and a bralett I  put on a sports jacket and started on my hair and makeup.


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10:00 pm

I knocked on the door hearing the music blare throughout the neighborhood  ,Niall  and Nick  were talking about some girl that Niall  had gone on a date with. After a few moments Rose opened  the door with a smile on her face "Hey guys come in!!"we walked in to see people spread out  through  the apartment .  There were  a couple people dancing,  some smoking and others just drinking  and having conversation. "Nick ,Niall feel free to grab some snacks and drinks,Harry  I  need to talk to you for a bit" she smirked at me ,Niall patted my back following Nick towards the drinks.

We went into the room hearing the sudden quietness that surrounded it."what di-" she kissed me roughly slipping her tounge into my mouth allowing  me to taste the vodka and cherries from her drink. I pulled  back a bit noticing her dilated  eyes"I see you got started early "she let  out a laugh "yeah you could say that ,you should catch up  " she placed her red cup in my hand and opened  the door "come on H" I  followed  her to the living room joining  the  fun.


I sat on the couch watching Rose dance like their was no one around. The way her hips moved and her hair swayed  turned me on like never before but that was the usual effect Rose had on me. She was something  out of this world ,she walked towards me placing her hands on my thighs " are  you having fun Mr.Styles?" She looked at me through lazy eyes .

"Yeah it's great " she smirked  at me and sat down next to me . Some guy passed her a joint ,she placed it between her lips inhaling the smoke I  kept my eyes on her as she leaned towards me releasing  the smoke into my mouth . I began to cough making her laugh "Aww H have you never smoked ?" I shook my head patting my chest "not really my thing" she rolled her eyes "your thing?" I leaned in to kiss her but she stopped me looking around. She leaned in to whisper  in my ear "we wouldn't  want anyone we don't  trust to see our little  secret would we?" I shook  my head "meet me in my room I'll  be their in a bit" I  stood up going to her room .
I laid on the bed feeling my eyes get heavier and heavier.

A/n : i took so long to write this ive been so distracted  by GOT and shameless lol btw ED FREAKING SHEERAN i knew that beautiful  voice sounded familiar  lol

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A/n : i took so long to write this ive been so distracted  by GOT and shameless lol btw ED FREAKING SHEERAN i knew that beautiful  voice sounded familiar  lol

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